What have you done today in the Garden?

Discussion in 'Fruit and Veg Gardening' started by razyrsharpe, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. Oreti

    Oreti Young Pine

    Mar 19, 2024
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    Just thought if someone is artistic perhaps they decorated a white one.???? :shrug:Tease if they did.:smt022
    Sjoerd, Pacnorwest and Logan like this.
  2. Pacnorwest

    Pacnorwest Hardy Maple

    May 16, 2018
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    I agree it was probably a fake. Got us all worked up , but hey ..the most exciting thing that happened all day, besides my hip going out. Stuck in bed again. I bit crabby today…So it’s worth the laugh. :wobble:
    I did a search online that color is not in the dahlia genome. Or any true blues. Only - Light lavender and cross colors in the mix.

    China is horrendous at doing that sort of discoloration (color edit) of flowers to sell online. On Etsy etc…Especially with Amaryllis. I wanted the Blue amaryllis to add to my collection. Curious if it was real…After my order I received a strong warning from the APHIS of USA plants are restricted to the US from China without a permit and an empty box. I had no idea they were from China. A learning experience I was not expecting.

    Thank you for all your detective efforts . You got it figured out in no time. Again it’s a huge disappointment , but ya never know what’s next. Such as the illuminary Firefly petunia. The flower buds really do glow for a few minutes at sundown. My grandkids thinks it’s … “Awsome”. :smt041
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2024
    Logan, Oreti and Sjoerd like this.
  3. Daniel W

    Daniel W Hardy Maple

    Nov 18, 2021
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    Southwest Washington State USA
    That sounds risky! I put out yellow jacket traps in Spring. They must have caught most of the queens, because I haven't been seeing any. Even the traps have only a few now.

    Oregi, are there even blue dahlias? I wonder if it's AI?

    Sjoerd you work hard! You deserved that cuppa and chat.

    No riding up ur down ramps for me, and I'm beyond moving such big trees now. During that time, I moved many large trees and shrubs. Now... just because it CAN be moved, doesn't mean I should do it. It does kind of amaze me what plants can endure and still survive.

    As for today, I removed another, roughly, 200 square feet of (mostly) giant thistle plants. Thank you electric pruner and pitchfork! Maybe 100 sq feet to go. I noted before, with the thistles gone, the herbs look very nice and vigorous.

    When I finish thistle removal, I'll put down a porous landscape fabric and cover it with wood chips, and that part of the job will be done. With some nice mature herbs and shrubs already there.

    Does anyone know about grooming / regenerating lavender and rosemary? is this a bad time of year to prune them back? And for layering lavender? How about digging / dividing big Crocosmia clumps now?
    Logan, Pacnorwest and Oreti like this.
  4. Daniel W

    Daniel W Hardy Maple

    Nov 18, 2021
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    Southwest Washington State USA
    My guess is AI art. They can do incredible things. I just now tried Bing AI and made these in about three minutes. They are all fake!





  5. Daniel W

    Daniel W Hardy Maple

    Nov 18, 2021
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    Southwest Washington State USA
    Oh no Pac!
  6. Oreti

    Oreti Young Pine

    Mar 19, 2024
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    Aww @Pacnorwest I'm so sorry to hear about your hip misbehaving itself, sounds horribly uncomfortable/ painful.:(


    Thanks for the link, very interesting .:like:
    Logan, Sjoerd and AAnightowl like this.
  7. Oreti

    Oreti Young Pine

    Mar 19, 2024
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    Thanks @Daniel W , just as I had thought. Oh well never mind at least it caused me a bit of excitement and happy daydreaming.:D.

    Have to say though that you've created some magnificent beauties yourself.....very clever:D. I would most definitely give them a home too. :) :like:
    Logan, Sjoerd, Daniel W and 2 others like this.
  8. Pacnorwest

    Pacnorwest Hardy Maple

    May 16, 2018
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    All though Al could be involved in copycat purple flecked dahlia, I think your right.
    Down to the last detail. All your Al creations are beautiful. Including the mantis. :smt026

    Oh yes what Oreti said….I agree that Daniel has forged a great deal of horticultural wizardry in his garden. Nothing Al there …all pure perfection by hard work and the desire and passion to produce a garden worthy of a Gold Metal .

    Daniel Thank you so very much for the thoughtful lovely flower bouquet , accompanied by my look alike Sheltie. They are both close to my heart .
    The sheltie in that pic looks just like my ‘Spencer’ sheltie. Really perked me up. :smt041
    If the kindest souls were rewarded with a longer life , dogs would out live us all. :heart::heart::smt055

    @Oreti thank you for your kind sentiment and lovely pink butterfly. It means a lot since we seem to share similar issues. Shows the kind hearts we share on this forum. Your support helps me to process the down time .
    Butterfly - ‘Pretty in Pink’. My fav color. I like pink not the Barbie pink… but soft muted pinks just like the butterfly. :smt055
    I’m very happy you enjoyed the genome science on dahlia colors.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2024
    Logan, Sjoerd, Oreti and 2 others like this.
  9. AAnightowl

    AAnightowl Young Pine

    Apr 29, 2011
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    guess I missed something again...

    @Daniel W , I make cuttings of my rosemary in the fall and start them that way. Sometimes rosemary will live several years for me, and sometimes one season is all I get. i went and bought another rosemary plant the other day. I have not gotten it into the ground or up-potted yet. Not sure which I want to do yet. It looked so sorry on the plant shelves at the local store. Thankfully, a good drink of water perked it right up. plantaholic.jpg

    just thought this so cute.

    I have never had much success with lavender. I have a new lavender plant that I just got about 2 weeks ago. Last year's lavender did not survive the winter. It is very difficult for me to grow. The friend I got it from grows it like crazy on her place.

    I hung out some handwashing and cleaned up after my dogs today, and watered my garden.


    I have no idea what the tall spikey things are. I know I did NOT plant them. I don't think they are cock's comb as I thought. I did plant portulacas, 4 o'clocks, and cosmos here. I think I also put some columbines in this tub? I have cosmos, and a couple of 4 o'clocks, no portulacas so far. A pot that had portulacas last year has a few growing and blooming. There is a blueberry bush in there too. I gave all my blueberry bushes and broccoli and tomatoes some sulfur. My broccoli was looking lovely Friday. Today it has more holes than a Swiss cheese.

    If those spikey things are anything related to amaranth, they are history. There is some kind of wild amaranth here that is highly invasive and impossible to get rid of. I do not want more of it.

    I found some large cucumbers on the vines Friday, and picked them. I have been getting plenty of tomatoes, and found a few cantelopes and a butternut squash out there. A friend gave me bell peppers from her garden. Mine never grew.

    I need to get out there and plant some lettuce in with my tomatoes. It is shady enough that it should be fine. I need to get at replanting my Egyptian onions this week. The green beans are putting out beans nicely. Those yard long beans are doing well, but I have noticed any beans on them yet.

    My corn looks sorry since some varmint stomped through it.
    Logan, Sjoerd, Oreti and 1 other person like this.
  10. AAnightowl

    AAnightowl Young Pine

    Apr 29, 2011
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    just thought a good giggle would be nice.
    Logan, Sjoerd, Oreti and 2 others like this.
  11. Pacnorwest

    Pacnorwest Hardy Maple

    May 16, 2018
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    AAnightowl what a cute funny post. think we all can relate to the garden humor. Enjoyed the google giggles. :smt043

    Some amaranth are invasive others are highly sought after for wedding bouquets. In summers the trailing green and red called amaranth , ‘Love lies Bleeding.’. I didn’t know some types are invasive. I remember starting the spike type and it would seed everywhere. The animals liked it. It took a few years to stop spreading the joy.

    Your veggie harvest of cukes , tomatoes and squash sound like your garden is doing great. It’s always is a surprise to see our gardens growing and productive.
    Good job especially during some tough weather conditions.
  12. Oreti

    Oreti Young Pine

    Mar 19, 2024
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    Love it @AAnightowl .....I can definitely relate to that!!:smt044:smt005.
    Thanks for starting my day off with a huge smile. :D
    Sjoerd, AAnightowl and Pacnorwest like this.
  13. Oreti

    Oreti Young Pine

    Mar 19, 2024
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    You're most welcome @Pacnorwest . Day to day joint pain is bad enough but when flare ups and other associated issues arise they can knock us for six. I sometime think it's Mother Nature's way of telling us to slow down and recharge.:)

    Listen to what your body is asking of you... rest up:like:
  14. Pacnorwest

    Pacnorwest Hardy Maple

    May 16, 2018
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    Thanx Oreti… good advice. Actually I can hardly move pain meds don’t help much. But I know this will pass soon.
    Just a bit inconvenient. And back at ya! Easy does it. :smt023 IMG_0824.jpeg
  15. Daniel W

    Daniel W Hardy Maple

    Nov 18, 2021
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    Southwest Washington State USA
    It was hot but not horrible, so I finished removing the thistle forest from the back border. That fixes something that's bothered me all year. The deep stolons will remain viable. Half of that area will revert to lawn (needs some fill soil to be level, this fall). Repeated mowing will kill the regrown thistles. Half will be border with a weed barrier fabric plus wood chips for appearance. I hope that does it.

    I picked about four cups of blackberries.
    some for fresh eating. There might also be a pie this week.
    Logan, Sjoerd, Oreti and 2 others like this.

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