What is your car oil change interval?

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by KK Ng, Apr 27, 2012.

  1. KK Ng

    KK Ng Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2009
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    Malacca, Malaysia.
    I had been doing some reading on this topic on the internet and it seems that the oil manufacturer and automobile manufacturer have different view on how oil specs were written and thus a new kind of grading is developed which is called OEM grades. This happened in early 1990's which is why different car manufacturers now a days have different intervals. I guess this makes sense and from the longer interval I guess we can guage how advance in technology the product is. With advance technolory come reliability and thus longer warranty period.

    I went round to the car dealers in my town and there were several car make that had longer oil change intervals than the norm of 3000 miles or 5000 kilometers. These are German brands except for Skoda which is from the Czech Republic but is Volkswagen of Germany now. These cars are like high end cars here so they are out of my reach :'( ..... big sigh!!!

    Katu06, we have Chevy Aveo here too but I was told that the oil change interval is 3,000 miles and a reminder light will appear if it is not done. The Aveos here are built in Thailand.

    Waretrop, wow!!! you have a nice collection. I love those Mustangs ..... I guess I am just born in the wrong part of the world!!

    Desert Rat, I had a 79 Ford Cortina Mark V and I did excatly like what you did after having it for almost 12 years because I was promised a company car at that time. Anyway the engine blew up before I could get the company car and it was a very expensive experience. :D

    TheBip .... YIKES!!! going by the ear eh! :D

    Carol Blue-Garcia, looks like there is not much choice except to follow what the manufacturer specify.

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