What is your garden doing now?

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by AAnightowl, Apr 14, 2023.

  1. AAnightowl

    AAnightowl Young Pine

    Apr 29, 2011
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    I did make it to my pond today. I mowed the path and took the mower along in case of snakes, specifically copperheads or other poison snakes. My bald cypress is doing well and beginning to put out its feathery leaves. I took a picture, but you cannot see any leaves. It has been up to about 80-ish and snakes have been out and about. I saw some lavendery-pink oxalis blooming. They are pretty. The dogwoods are blooming, but it was so windy, I could not get very good pictures.
    Jewell and Pacnorwest like this.
  2. Pacnorwest

    Pacnorwest Hardy Maple

    May 16, 2018
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    AA sounds like you have designed a variable seasons garden. Soon the leaves will be full and glorious on your bald cypress. Ooo I don’t blame you to be completely unsure about the snakes around especially coppers. be careful… I carry a small torch it I run into any crazy snakes. We mostly have adorable garter snakes.
    Do post your cypress , path and pond when you can.
    Jewell likes this.
  3. AAnightowl

    AAnightowl Young Pine

    Apr 29, 2011
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    I will wait until my cypress in the yard have their leaves and then get a picture of my pond one. I have a lot of lilies to re-home, so some will go down to the pond again. I don't know if the other flowers--irises for sure--drowned when the pond flooded, or got eaten by deer and other critters? I could move more irises down there, but I am not sure what happened to the others. I see pictures of irises by the water's edge and called 'flags'... ? I will take a shovel with me next time unless the path needs more mowing. Personally, I never met a "good snake". I tolerate non-venomous ones as long as they stay out of the chicken coop and don't get chummy with me. Since there are rodents in there at present, I expect the snakes will be in there shortly.

    LOTS of flowers were already here when I moved here back in the 80s. A lady who owned this place before me dearly loved flowers. And then I trade with friends who want things I might have, and I want some things they have. I also buy flowers and plants when I can. I give flowers away to anyone needing flowers also. Gardens are for sharing! The house is over 100 years old and run down [I say "fixer upper" and my kids say "knocker downer"...] The location is PERFECT for me. I love this old farm, and the house is okay for me.
    Pacnorwest likes this.
  4. Pacnorwest

    Pacnorwest Hardy Maple

    May 16, 2018
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    It shouldn’t be to much loner for temps to warn up , but a few more days til temps reach 60’s and the leaves will form on the bald Cyprus.
    The water pond iris are very invasive . I have them in my pond. They have to be separated every 3 years or it will take over the pond. It’s a small pond with fish.
    What kind of chickens do you have? There are so many beautiful hens.I just luv to see them at fairs.
    Very kind to give flowers away friends and neighbors. So many people in convalescent homes (one I was in after total hip replacement revision ). These places need something to cheer up the area. In summers I’ll drop off dahlias or whatever is in bloom. Even for holidays start amaryllis to take .
    I agree that older homes make a great statement and not made like the cookie cutter homes in many areas. They have so much more character and style . They can be made to fit out own style by remodeling and paint.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2023
    AAnightowl likes this.

  5. AAnightowl

    AAnightowl Young Pine

    Apr 29, 2011
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    It will warm up for the summer in a week or two. We have a lot of warm days, but we have had frost last night and the night before. I had to cover up sensitive plants the past two nights. It is supposed to be chilly this week, and rainy.

    I give transplants to friends for their yards. I don't drive any more due to my disability, so I have no way to take cut flowers to the nursing home. I see various friends at church, or maybe they bring me home. I take some with me when I go to town. (DS or friends give me rides for errands and church.)

    I have 3 Rhode Island red hens, a black hen, and 3 silver and gold hens. I don't know the name of them, but they lay blueish eggs--about the color of robin eggs. The others lay brown eggs. I have a mixed breed rooster, he is mostly white with red and gold patches, and a few of his tail feathers are green. I like all of my hens, but I guess I am partial to Rhode Island reds. My Mother used to read me the Little Red Hen story when I was little. I like Buff Orpingtons too. And lots of other kinds of chickens. I had had two little exotic fluffy white Banties this past year. They were with another black hen who adopted them in my rabbit cages while I was finishing up my chicken coop. Some vermin chewed through the cage and killed them all. :( They were so cute. I have had Banties in the past.

    We work on the house here and there as we can.

    Not all irises are able to grow in the water? I had not heard that.

    I dug up some paper white narcissus last night--they are very prolific--and will put some down at my pond. I will give some to a friend also. They are done blooming for the year. It is a good time to move them.

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