What's Happening On The Afsluit Dike?

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Sjoerd, Jul 30, 2016.

  1. Islandlife

    Islandlife Young Pine

    Jul 8, 2016
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    @Sjoerd - very interesting. I have never heard of this bug swarm but "yuck" and good to know what and when to avoid! ;) Having to drive through that type of active swarm would be - well interestingly awful in a yucky yet fascinating type of way.

    I was in Trinidad once when a swarm of termites emerged. They covered everything and came in every teeny tiny crack they could squeeze into. Even through the keyhole of the old Guest house I was staying in. The swarm only lasted a few hours and by the next morning it was totally gone and many of the bugs already eaten.
    Sjoerd likes this.
  2. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    That is an interesting experience IL. We get flying ant swarms twice a year here. You can tell it is happening because there is a huge flock of sea gulls that circle above where the phenomenon is occurring.

    Yeah though--those green mozzies really do mess up oneĀ“s auto.

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