Dwarf iris are almost finished. Here are a few of the later blooming varieties. The rhododendrons are in full bloom or almost finished lilacs are also blooming. I find this one really interesting with the multiple petals.
Lovely, beautiful plants …flowers are so nice to see especially the iris , lilacs and rhody’s. lovely garden plants full of color. It’s rhody season . A few rhody’s open today with bees a buzzin.
Jewell— great fotos from you. What an interesting display of iris plants. You have a lot going on there. It is so good to see you and your garden plants again. Pac— your pics are a delight to see. That bumble bee is a very good one, isn’t it. The rhodi’s are smashing and that view of a part of your grounds is deliriously gorgeous. Daniel— your iris and rose pics are beautiful to see. You ave some special things going on there, mate. That last pic— what is that, a climbing hydrangea or a tree? It is an attractive addition to your garden.
Thanks Sjoerd. Irises are probably my favorite butI have a lot of difficulty growing them. Each year I think I'll give up. Too much leaf disease in the spring. Other people don't seem to have that much problem. I don't know why. The shrub is a cranberry viburnum. It doesn't actually have cranberries but the flowers are nice.
Cranberry viburnum…Oh yes, I recall now. You showed it last year, didn’t you. Oreti— you have some lovely blooms too. That is a great show.
Amazing to see everyone’s gardens thriving in a burst of spring sunshine and warmer weather. A few new blooms today.
Pic of peony’s opened today. One of the oldest and favorite. Chinese Peony,'Bowl of Beauty' (Paeonia lactiflora) is incredibly beautiful in bloom in my garden. The large anemone-shaped blossoms, 8 in. wide (20 cm), are rich rose-pink on the outside and densely packed with soft yellow strap-like petals at their heart. it’s too hot outside to leave them in direct sun fully open. Temptation to pick the peony’s and bring some in for floral arrangement to enjoy for weeks. They smell like spice. I have been totally hooked on these Facinating blooms for years.
Thank you Sjoerd. Always appreciate support from like minded folks even if we are across the globe. Gardening is a universal passion and skill.
A few from today. Have been moving plants and working on a new bed. Some plants appreciate the first placements so much I’ve had to divide and or transplant. Some I forgot I’d put something in an area and planted on top of or too close. Love the three types of lewisa together although in photos only the broad leafed pink blooming stands out. There is also an all green and variegated old fashioned types. Snowball tree. The clematises hated being moved but a couple are blooming. Most have started growing but it will be years before they recover. This is the only nonwhite rhododendron that came with the property. The puppy Trixie chewed half of it off but it has lots of new growth at the base.
Fabulous pics @Pacnorwest , the last pic looks so peaceful, a place to just sit and forget the woes of the outside world...magical!