Cayu— those are great looking carrots. I have grown some that looked similar. They were called “Amsterdamse Bak”. Do you know the name of these beauties?
@Cayuga Morning - well done on the carrots! I'm curious if you have ever left them in the ground over winter?
The first of the Schlumbergeras to bloom. They spent the summer on a bench under a big fir tree. Minimal attention. It's surprising they survive. I brought them inside a few weeks ago. These were cuttings taken from older plants that grew too large. They needed two or three years to reach this size,
You grow nice carrots @Cayuga Morning! I still have not learned how to grow carrots so nicely. This year I bought seeds for Scarlet Nantes. Maybe they will grow better
Thanks @Zigs! Than means a lot! Also, nice carrot bouquet! Pastinak is parsnip. I think. My German is very rusty.