What's your coming-in-the-house routine?

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Ronni, Jun 24, 2020.

  1. Growingpains

    Growingpains Young Pine

    Aug 13, 2008
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    S-H, in this country we could be charged if we "entrap" a thief. Lousy thinking in my humble opinion, but laws have changed since I was a child. It makes me very angry that working people must protect everything they have from those who for whatever reason, have less.

    It's good to know the females are also taught self defense.
    S-H likes this.
  2. Growingpains

    Growingpains Young Pine

    Aug 13, 2008
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    Ronni, I feel the same regarding your husband's work tools.
    Whatever happened to respect for another's property?
    S-H likes this.
  3. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    The precautions I take, and the somewhat extreme lengths I go to when it comes to security, (aside from being like a hobby of mine) - Is also exactly like carrying an umbrella with us whenever the sky is overcast. As long as we have it in our hand, it will never rain. But the day we don't, (thinking that it never really rains on us), is the day we get drenched.

    Such is how the universe operates...

    As for the laws in my country. Well, whatever may be written in the law books - Whoever has more influence, often wins in the end. It's actually the same all over the world to some degree, however I think I am brave enough to openly say it out aloud.

    But technically, yes, I can entrap and detain a thief, (if I have proof of the entire act of thievery). However once the criminal is caught and confined, I have to call the authorities without any delay. During such a period if the criminal tries to escape, I can use force. And if at any point do I feel that my or my family's life is under any threat. I can use deadly force in self-defense.

    But we cannot act like a judge jury and executioner. Not in my country at least.

    However in a lot of African countries, like Zambia for example, you can detain, torture, and then kill any intruder within your own territory, no questions asked! Same in some Far Eastern countries also, like Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia too (I think).

    In the Middle East, the Islamic punishment for thievery is chopping off the hands. But not without the process of law. So there also, this extreme action is taken only after a lawful conviction in the Court. Now it is open to debate if the Courts over there are actually providing justice. Or are they just kangaroo courts? This is a question only a resident of these countries will be able to answer truthfully.

    My country was ruled by the British for almost 200 years. Which is why English is the official language of the government, judicial system, banking, trade, and finance, as well as inseparable from education, (specially higher education).

    So because of this, we in Pakistan are now standing somewhere between how things are in the Middle East, and how it is in UK... But to be on the safe side, I did check with my lawyer - If it's alright for me to set up traps which will result in causing serious injury to a thief.

    His answer was: Make sure you have complete video footage of the entire act of burglary. So it can be proven without any doubt that the thief entered your territory unlawfully, and with criminal intent - You can cause as much physical harm as you like, but just make sure of 3 things.

    1. System should be automated, so that it can never be said that you deliberately pressed the switch to cause someone serious injury... Since your complaints of previous burglaries are on record. Means that you are now justified to install, build, or take any type of security measures you desire. Place a sticker or board of warning outside for all to see clearly. That any unlawful entry into your territory (trespassing) is not allowed under any circumstances. The property is protected by automated security system(s), which if triggered can result in causing serious harm to the intruder(s).

    2. If possible, the burglar shouldn't die, (as that will complicate matters). Otherwise feel free to to smash as many bones and cause permanent physical disfiguration that your contraptions are capable of inflicting. Do not use any chemicals as propellants, (explosives), nor any corrosive chemicals, (acids). Or else you will be booked for terrorism... Use either powerful springs, compressed air, (or CO2), or electricity for motivation. If the intruder(s) lose body parts, (like fingers getting cut off or something). Then you must try to provide first aid, but only if you are nearby, and have learned that a burglar has just been caught. In whatever situation, as soon as you become aware that someone is caught, (be it immediately or the next day), you have to first call the authorities. And immediately afterwards call me. Don't answer to any questions from anyone until I get to you, (lawyer said).

    3. Do not use any mains power (or any other utility) to energize and operate any harmful anti theft device. Or else you will be in violation of the power company's agreement. Which expressly states that the power you buy from them, is for your own personal use and comfort. Therefore power up all your harmful contraptions with solar panels or whatever. If you are using batteries for energy, they too shouldn't be charged with mains power. Charge them from your car somehow, (if you don't have independent solar power). Just don't use any energy from the national electricity grid...
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2020
    Growingpains likes this.
  4. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    I think people in the countryside will always have respect for someone else's property and equipment. For such people themselves have grown up working with their own hands. So respect and politeness has always been their way of life, (true all over the world).

    Same story over here at the GardenStew also. Some members here are from rural areas. But not all of us are country folk - Yet we all still share a common love for plants and trees. Bringing me back to the same point. That anyone who has worked with or around nature. And that too with his or her own hands - Automatically becomes a respectable and respectful individual.

    It's the ultra useless city dwellers in densely populated zones which are exhibiting signs of urban decay, (specially in the last 25 years). Again, the ones who are completely cut off from nature. And neither have they ever bothered lifting a finger for work, (their entire lifecycle seems to revolve around jumping onto and then off a bus, which takes them to a place from where they can shamelessly collect their welfare checks with gusto)...

    They are the ones who crawl out of their decaying dwellings at night. Then go into well off neighborhoods to steal, or at least vandalize, (for it helps them release their anger, frustration, and maybe get some temporary relief from their otherwise perpetual depression).

    You'd assume that with the arrival of technology such as smartphones, and so many other things which have lessened our workload - People would get more relaxed as time moved forward. As I always thought that technology is the great equalizer, as it firstly causes information and knowledge to be shared at great speeds, and very cheaply too. And of course, knowledge is power - So if everybody got access to it, it would create a far more respectful and tolerant society.

    But unfortunately, what I have seen in the last quarter century. Makes me now think that the reverse is true...


    So once more, I watch this Mouse Utopia video.

    Last edited: Oct 29, 2020
    Growingpains likes this.

  5. Growingpains

    Growingpains Young Pine

    Aug 13, 2008
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    I'm quite interested in the connection between this experiment and humanity.
    S-H likes this.
  6. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    It was a very famous experiment, called the Mouse Utopia. Lots of research papers written about it over a period of several years. Majority of which can now be easily accessed from Google, (mostly for free).

    I saw this same video in a National Geographic Society Special TV program when I was 10 or 11 years old - Since then it has stuck with me, (not a day goes by where I don't think of it)...
    Growingpains likes this.
  7. Growingpains

    Growingpains Young Pine

    Aug 13, 2008
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    S H , what were your thoughts as a 10 or 11 year old of the Mouse Utopia experiment?
    Have your thoughts changed over the years?
    S-H likes this.
  8. S-H

    S-H Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Karachi, Pakistan
    I think, that in the last 3 decades - I have mostly become very cynical... But back in those days I was perhaps an ultra optimist. Believing that by the year 2005 to 2010, space travel would become as cheap and common as commercial air travel is today. And so all of humanity's problems would be taken care of, as we would be colonizing the solar system.

    But what I have seen in the last 30 years, is one pointless war after another, (motivated solely by greed). And that too over already dwindling resources.

    The concept of space exploration was something every kid from my generation was very much interested in - But now every kid just aspires to become the next greatest YouTube sensation. Disgusting...


    I think my mental condition is defined as Misanthropy, (an extreme hatred for humanity). Which I guess explains why being a doomsday prepper suits me so well.

    :snicker: :rofl::smt044
    Growingpains likes this.
  9. Ben Hilton

    Ben Hilton New Seed

    Oct 18, 2020
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    Honeybourne, UK
    My routine is to throw my keys in the draw, put my shoes away in the rack and slip on my boots, and walk into the garden with the dog.

    If it's dry we sit on the bench under the willow tree and look back down the side of the house through our densely planted 'jungle garden'.

    Funny at the back of our house is a wildfowl farm. There domestic birds in the main, but when I'm looking across the Jungle Garden it really could be a Jurassic scene with sound effects
    Frank, S-H and Growingpains like this.
  10. Growingpains

    Growingpains Young Pine

    Aug 13, 2008
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    SH, it becomes easy to find humans disgusting. I have grown into
    looking for the good in most people. Some, however, seem to have managed to sluff off any goodness they may have been born with.
    So I join you in ROFLOL.
    S-H likes this.
  11. Growingpains

    Growingpains Young Pine

    Aug 13, 2008
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    Ben, watch out for the Jurassic inhabitants. (?)

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