Good morning all, sunny intervals and light winds temp 9c to 18c Precipitation 0% Sunrise 4.58 Sunset 12.12 No rain is expected today
49°C is 120°F, and 51°C is 124°F! Just sharing how it's like nowadays, in the southern part of my country...
Good morning all, rain showers and a gentle breeze temp 11c to 16c Precipitation 90% Sunrise 4.57 Sunset 21.13
As Yogi Berra said, "deja vu all over again." We have rain. We have exceeded our total rainfall for the year, and here we are in May! Husband is in the workshop, making the finishing touches on the ark.
Still dry ,sunny and warm( ish) if it wasn't for the moderate breeze it would feel a lot warmer. The rain is just missing us down here.
All day it's sunshine and showers, with a bit of a thunderstorm. Now it's sunny intervals and showers with a gentle breeze from the west south west temp 15c feels like 15c.
S-H stay cool .. heat stroke is a real danger . How ya goin? Those pics showing the temps are very hard to see so many suffering in the heat. Stay hydrated - Gatorade helps balance the stress on the body. Todays weather…