Which Houseplants do you have?

Discussion in 'Houseplants' started by tkhooper, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. aseedisapromise

    aseedisapromise New Seed

    Mar 1, 2015
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    I have too many to type all their names! I have mostly ones that a.)like or can tolerate some coolness in winter, as my house is heated with wood. and b.)can get by with less sun in the winter as it is pretty dark up here in the great north in the winter. I guess I am too cheap to run lights until it is time to start seedlings. Lots of succulents and cacti can take the cold to a point, and some things like amaryllis, some begonias, and Calla lilies spend the winter dormant in my basement. I also like plants that are small or grow slowly, so I can have more plants in general! Some of the succulents and cacti really need more light than I can provide, though. That said, I do have some space in the warmest places for some African violets and some of the more tolerant begonias. I try to rehome some that don't work out before it is too late, and I am learning to not buy everything that I see without checking out its needs first.
    Frank likes this.
  2. Shawchert

    Shawchert In Flower

    Jun 21, 2014
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    United States
    Cherry lad, you can always get plants that don't need direcct sunlight! I have found a couple of them because I live on the north facing side of m apartment building. Or you could find shaded plants, ones that don't do so great with the sun at all and preferr the shade. I found a bromilaid that has done so well even when my curtains are closed. They are also quite beautiful.


    And as for me I only have 2 houseplants, The bromilaid above, and my Jade plant, which i'm hoping to make grow as big as possible, because I want to see how large it gets!!

  3. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    I have a few Ficus, a Devils Ivy, a Sweetheart plant, 2 Jade, Dracaena, Goldfish plant, African Violet, 2 Aloe Vera, Mother in Laws Tongue, Spider Plant, Queen of the Night, Bougainvillea, and a few others I don't know what they are called. I also have a bunch of garden plants that are being over wintered indoors ... 3 Brugmansia's, 2 Oleanders, a Black and Blue Salvia, Citrosa, and a night blooming Jasmin.

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