Thanks all and I am glad you enjoyed the bits of spring. The Bergenia is not mine, but an older home I walk by often. (mine won't look like that for another twenty years at the rate they are growing :-? ) Thanks for the hint Droopy I will move my Bergenia to a better location . I have a stony outcrop. To Eileen and all the other snowy parts of the world...Spring will have to come of her own free will since I am afraid to ask her to move on. Winter has been known to dump some huge amounts of that white stuff on us into April and I don't want to make her feel unwelcome. I will let her know she is sure missed elsewhere though.
Thanks for the hint of spring. Now I'll know what to look for when it arrives. I really like that rosemary, sure wished it would grow that well here.
I'm Guilty,too! Hi Jewell, I just posted a bunch of pictures, too. We will find ourselves banned from G.S. by making everyone jealous who is in snow up to their eyeballs. I love your photos! Lorraine