AA, This is a customer who he worked on their back yard last year to reshape and get the standing water from every storm out of his back yard and installed storm sewer down the road for a city. Really, there is no real "fix" for his problem. It is built on an unsuitable lot (at one point there was a stream running there). I am amazed the city/towns etc that allow homes to be built in an area that has been "reclaimed" from being a stream (our next door neighbors house is the same way. every time it storms a torrential downpour their yard floods from all the water running through the ravine in our back yard across our equipment yard carrying tons of our stone with it...and complains that we should be able to do something about it. But he keeps refixing his yard back to the exact same shape {without a swale to direct the overflow} over and over...). This is beyond my comprehension other than the fact that they are going to garner tax dollars from every lot whether it is a build-able lot or not. the man can't get flood insurance because he has made two claims now...hmmm! just what good is flood insurance then? only for the first two claims? then you are out of luck. He probably bought the house having no knowledge of the original condition of the lot and he is stuck with the mess.