Never just one all-time fave for me! I also loved the Clan series (read all 6!) and Pern. Another favorite was Misty of Chincoteague and all those books! So much so that I took myself to Chincoteague Island a few years ago and got to watch the whole penning/auction ritual
My 2 all time favorite books at this time are The Road by Cormac McCarthy and Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank. I know they are kind of depressing books, but I'm not into romance novels or a lot of what is popular right now. EXCEPT the Hunger Games. LOL! I'm kind of a pick reader.
You are asking a retired librarian what her favorite book is? I love 'em all! Actually, my favorite book is the dictionary--a big, unabridged dictionary with origins of words, related words, and differing pronunciations as well as definitions. I admit to owning three dictionaries.
I read several books a week. And like Jane I love them all. But my favorite author is Barbara Delinsky and her book "Uplift". ( Secrets from the sisterhood of breast cancer survivors). This book made me laugh when all I wanted to do is cry. I wrote a note to Barabara Delinsky to thank her for writing the book and she sent me several new additions to give away. I now buy used copies and give them to first timers when I meet them. It truly is an uplifting book.
Thanks, Carrie, for digging out this old thread! My 'ALL-TIME' most favorite book is the Bible, of course, but in secular literature it is 'THE VIRGINIAN' by Owen Wister.. Hank
I know this thread is old, but I absolutely love books, so I had to reply. Hopefully it's okay to resurrect things. All time favorite book, To Kill a Mockingbird.
I have a lot of favorite books ... I love classical literature since high school and my favorite book is Charles Dickens "Great Expectations"