your day apart from gardening

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Logan, Mar 25, 2021.

  1. Logan

    Logan Strong Ash

    Dec 9, 2018
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    Redditch Worcestershire UK
    Thank you and yes i think that it's worked, he hasn't got the stomach pain anymore and his right leg doesn't seem to ache anymore even though the hernia was on the left.
    Sjoerd and Cayuga Morning like this.
  2. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    today was my dads funeral.
    Sjoerd likes this.
  3. Cayuga Morning

    Cayuga Morning Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    New England
    Carolyn, oh dear. I'm so sorry. I send you a loving hug.
    carolyn and Sjoerd like this.
  4. Logan

    Logan Strong Ash

    Dec 9, 2018
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    Redditch Worcestershire UK
    Carolyn so sorry to hear that, think of all the good times together.lots of hugs.
    carolyn likes this.

  5. DianneWoollie

    DianneWoollie In Flower

    Mar 12, 2021
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    South of Deux Sevres
    Certainly been thinking of you both @Logan..he is going to be fine in a few days..
    Last evening my lg Washing Machine went thud loudly enough of Husband and myself to say ooohhh. that sounded like the belt just twanged...So He took it apart and then noticed the name on the front Direct certainly not what we thought. Purchased in 2014, well used...It has actually lasted the longest of all my various Washing Machines over my married life of almost 55 years... :rolleyes:

    7 years of this could I possibly live with out it...
    So got another LG this morning...
    lg washing machine.JPG lg washing m.JPG
    Just working out again...will this go in the gap....Last one it was a case of Husband laying on his back on the floor and pushing it in..We know who to have a good time here....o_O
    Cayuga Morning and Logan like this.
  6. Doghouse Riley

    Doghouse Riley Young Pine

    Oct 17, 2019
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    South Manchester
    LG are a well respected brand. Good choice.

    Over the decades we've had a few LG products.(I think the letters stand for "Lucky Gold.") The longest being a 25" "elephant in the corner" TV, we had for about fifteen years until flat screen TVs became of a more reasonable price.

    We've had many different washing machines. The one we had the longest was a Servis twin tub we bought when purchased this house in 1972. That machine eventuaslly lasted twenty years until we had another new kitchen. The cabinet was vitreous enamel.
    At the end of the year's guarantee, Servis sent out an engineer to check on the machines. Really, to get you to sign up for a service agreement. When he came I said I didn't want one, but the conversation went like this.
    "Do you do foreigners?"
    "You must do!"
    "Well yes occasionally."

    For the next forty years Paul serviced every major appliance we had, at a very reasonable price until his retirement! We still exchange Christmas cards.

    The problem with major appliances now is that they are built to a price. So aren't as reliable as they once were. Many are built by the same manufacturer under different names, it's been like that for decades.

    Even the most "prestigious" names aren't always that reliable. In the last few years we've had our Bosch dishwasher replaced under guarantee and our Bosch Washing machine and tall Melie fridge freezer replaced within weeks of purchase.
    Our most reliable appliances have been Hotpoint. We had an "Iced Diamond" fridge freezer, (it was two appliances stacked, each with a compressor) that was still working after 20 years, when we changed it for a Bosch when we had a new kitchen, that only lasted about 12.

    We've had several Hotpoint tumble driers, including the one that "catches fire." The problem with them is that many people can't be assed to clean the filter after every use, it only takes seconds.

    The engineer that checked over ours when I responded imediately to the notification in the press, (we only waited a few weeks, many people waited years to have theirs inspected), said he'd been to machines where the interiors were full of lint, because the filter hadn't been changed. No wonder they caught fire!
    Our present one we've had about six years, I have changed the belts on a couple of past ones we've had. Ours seem to be "on all day" so get a lot of use. We wear them out. They aren't expensive.

    Our present washing machine is a Bosch "all singin n' dancin'" vario perfect Serie 8.
    It tells you when it's finished a few times and then shuts up.
    It's handy in that if you then turn it on, the light comes on inside so you can see well enough not to leave a sock in there.


    This machine can be on between three and six times a day. But after use we always leave the door and the detergent drawer partly open to give it a chance to dry out.

    She uses those "eco eggs" with little detergent balls in them. Different colours for different fabrics and occasionally "Nellie's Laundy Soda" They work out far more economical than Fairy tablets or whatever.
    Because of my wife's disabilities, it's my job to empty it and transfer stuff to the tumble dryer (we don't have a washing line, she can't manage one and I ain't gonna peg out washing!) I then empty the drier when it's finished and chuck it on an armchair in the lounge. I don't do "folding" and in this house if you're daft enough to buy stuff that needs ironing like my Ben Sherman shirts, you iron it yourself! (I don't mind ironing those). She's adept at hanging her stuff up so any creases fall out.

    Most large appliances have little wheels at the back to make it easier to put them in place. But with "under the worktop" ones, you can't lift the front high enough to make use of them. We've a couple of gliders (somewhere), you can slip under the front, jack 'em up half a inch and slide them in. Then take the gliders out.
  7. Logan

    Logan Strong Ash

    Dec 9, 2018
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    Redditch Worcestershire UK
    Thank you
    @DianneWoollie yes he's doing well, not much pain just have to be careful how he moves and today he feels like doing things in moderation and that he knows that. Had to change the dressing today and it looks fine. There's no stitches to see they're all inside and they should desolve by themselves.

    Glad that you sorted your washing machine never heard of a direct drive.
    They only last for about 5 years if you're lucky.
    I have a condenser tumble dryer, when it was about a year old the pump went and had to have it replaced.
  8. Doghouse Riley

    Doghouse Riley Young Pine

    Oct 17, 2019
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    South Manchester
    Over a decade ago the local council changed all the bins round and we ended up with a non-recyclable bin that was half the size of the others.
    I'm sick of having to stand in it to compress the rubbish bags in the second week before the fortnightly collection. I've found out that because of my wife being disabled, we're entitled to a full size bin. Because she rarely leaves the house she buys a lot of stuff on-line, it's the polystyrene boxes and packaging it generates that take up much of the space, even when broken down.

    When I rebuilt the fence between the drive and the garden I created a low plinth to set two bins on so it was easier to hose down the drive. I had to extend it when it became three bins. The new bin will be too wide for the original plinth and the wheels would hang over the side.
    So when I came home from golf this afternoon, I extended the plinth. I was able to prize off and re-use the bit I'd added before.
    The ice cream tub with the granite set in it, is being used as shuttering.

    The area still needs a bit of tarting up although I did level off the entrance to the patio, but I'll do that tomorrow if it doesn't rain.
    The council is exchanging the bins on Tueday.

    Logan likes this.
  9. Logan

    Logan Strong Ash

    Dec 9, 2018
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    Redditch Worcestershire UK
    This morning went with hubby to do the shopping, a neighbour was going to Sainsbury's today so we asked if we could come along and I made sure that hubby didn't over do it.
    Doghouse Riley likes this.
  10. Doghouse Riley

    Doghouse Riley Young Pine

    Oct 17, 2019
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    South Manchester
    I shuttered up the area to the right of the door to form another plinth. This will be for the green bin.
    Presently it lives in front of the garage door. As there's no way I'm lugging it through the door and keeping it on the back patio, then dragging it back through the door to the front of the drive every week to be emptied.
    It needed a bit of "fettling" as the right hand end of the plinth had to slope down to allow the garage door to be swung open when required. But now I'll be able to hose down the drive and the area in front of the garage, without moving the bin every time. The previous owner of this house had the green concrete drive laid. But later removed the first set of panels of the garage and stuck them on the back to give more room for his caravan he wanted to be able to turn the corner of the house and drag it round into the garden. So what's in front of the garage now, used to be part of the base.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2021
    Logan likes this.
  11. Doghouse Riley

    Doghouse Riley Young Pine

    Oct 17, 2019
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    South Manchester
    Job done. Still a bit wet but it will even out when dry. Can't push the green bin any further back as there's the water supply and drain pipe to the tap and basin in the garage under the concrete below the fence. The insulating concrete stops any water in the waste pipe from the sink from freezing in cold weather, as it's a long reach without any fall. But I won't have to move the bin if I want to use the blower or a hose on the drive.

    I've pointed up the joints between the drive and the old garage base.


    Ready for our grey bin to be exchanged for a larger one on Tueday.

    I've made it all normal concrete colour,

    The dyed part to match the patio is now on the other side of the door.

    Cayuga Morning and Logan like this.
  12. Logan

    Logan Strong Ash

    Dec 9, 2018
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    Redditch Worcestershire UK
    We have a stairgate at the bottom of the stairs to stop the dogs from going up.
    Last night I was coming down the stairs and decided to blow my nose, got to the bottom then lost my balance and bumped against the banister really hard. Told hubby and he laughed and said why did you do that? Then he asked if my arm was alright and I said that it really hurts. But it's fine today just got a bit of a lump.:chuckle:
  13. Doghouse Riley

    Doghouse Riley Young Pine

    Oct 17, 2019
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    South Manchester
    Reminds me, when our youngest was this age.


    We had stair gates at the top and bottom of the stairs.
    One morning she stood at the top of the stairs and called down to her mother.
    "You've left this gate open up here and I could fall down the stairs!"

    She was always a bit of a "bossyboots."
    Logan likes this.
  14. Cayuga Morning

    Cayuga Morning Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    New England
    She's adorable (was?)
  15. Logan

    Logan Strong Ash

    Dec 9, 2018
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    Redditch Worcestershire UK
    It's nice when they're that age so truthful.

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