This is a spinny where i walk barley in the morning not far from where i live. The cow parsley is out.
Year before last they cut down the poplar trees in the spinny and planted native trees instead, so the buttercups grew along the path.
These two plants are in bloom here as well. Your foto's are lovely to see. One gets the idea that Spring may actually be right around the corner.
Thank you Sjoerd and Cayuga morning. Yes I think that they'll be everywhere. Yes and spring has arrived and soon summer next month.
It was a golf day, so other than that I didn't do much. But I did get round to ordering a couple of replacement batteries for my car's ignition keys. I've noticed that I need to get nearer with either of the two keys I've got to get it to work lately. I don't want a repeat of what happened a few years ago. I was coming home from my golf club and found the button on the key didn't open the door. I could of have course open the door with the key in the lock then and drive it, but there was no way of silencing ther alarm. So I had to drive home witrh the alarm going for the whole journey, until I could turn it off with the button on the spare key. It was really annoying, but no one took any notice during the journey!
Today is hair washing day and hubby is watching these videos, because hubby likes Tec stuff and I think that this guy Paul Hibbert is funny.
In the recent wet weather, we began to have a steady drip of water from the gutter above back bedroom window. It was falling on the flat roof extension of our lounge. You could hear it the room when the rain was heavy. I was unable to get anyone to attend to it for at least a couple of weeks or more. As a temporary measure, I put a bucket on the flat roof under it so when it overflowed the water wasn't constantly dripping on the same place of the roof all the time. So as we'd had a few dry days I decided this afternoon to have a look at it myself. Just a question of putting up a ladder up between the cross beams of the pergola and a second ladder up to the gutter. The problem was obvious, the gutter was completely full of moss. So when wet the water wasn't getting away and as where it was dripping there was a marginal dip in the gutter, it was overflowing there. The moss had all dried out and was easy to brush away. I did the whole length of the gutter including next door's bit. I checked the joints in the gutter and they were all sound. So I've saved myself a few quid.
I do find myself jobs to do. I have this little cupboard in the tea-house. It's one I saved from when we had a new kitchen over fifteen years ago. It's actually, a tall drawer, youre supposed to be able to pull it out to reveal some baskets to keep stuff in. But the mechanism is knackered and it's a fight every time to open it to get to the jukebox related tools, etc., I keep in there. So this afternoon having had another fight with it to try to get at some cleaning materials, I'd had enough and decided to turn it into an ordinary cupboard, with a shelf inside. "There and then." At 6.00pm. I managed to drag it all out and discarded everything apart from the front. To turn the front into a door, it needed Blum hinges fitted. Fortunately I'd saved several from the old kitchen units and I had a drill bit that's specifically for drilling the big shallow hole for that type of hinge. So it's done and dusted. Just a bit of a pain fitting the other half of the hinges in the unit. A "hands and knees job." I was able to watch a bit of the tennis and now my Budweiser fridge on its stand is back in there under the TV (which I had to drag out of the way) I wasn't short of refreshment. The advantages with Blum hinges are that if you wsnt the door to stray open it will, but with a push it will snap shut and stay shut. If at any time you want to take a door off, you just press the catch at the back of the hinge and it will pull off. They just snap on when you want to put them back. There was no need for a door knob as there's the original brass channel on the top of the door that acts as the handle.
Camping in Acadia National Park! Great time. Wonderful to be by the ocean, going tide pooling, kayaking in Sommes Sound. Relaxing by the campfire at night. Can't wait for next year.
On and off been watching this bluetits nest live. The parents have successfully reared 7 chicks out of 9 eggs and nearly ready to fledge.
Played my usual Friday round of golf in the regular roll-up, it was four three-balls yesterday. The team with the most points are the winners. If you play to your handicap you get 36 points. We averaged 40, so we easily won the money. It's not a fortune, everyone puts in just £1. But boy! is it competitive!