It was me who posted about tornados. Do we see similar patterns? You may not realise it, but the UK and Ireland see an average of 30 tornadoes a year. Most are too weak and short-lived to notice but can cause property damage. Much like America's infamous tornado alley, the UK also has an area where their appearance is much more likely.
Logan Oh yes I need to keep the UK friends in check. Appreciate your kindness. I never realized that the UK had destructive tornados in comparison to the US. .Thank goodness they are not as destructive as the tornado in the video . I suppose I was referencing destructive tornados including loss of life and property. In 2024, more than half of the destructive tornados that struck the US were in Tornado Alley. The states outside of Tornado Alley experienced more tornadoes than most states within the Alley typically do. Ohio, which is hundreds of miles from Tornado Alley, had recorded 71 tornadoes by June 14, while Oklahoma, the storm-prone center of Tornado Alley, averages 69 tornadoes per year, with speeds from 70 to 300mph the scale is EF1 is 70 mph to EF5 high winds to 200mph. A tornado system from March 13 to March 15 is one of the billion-dollar disasters in 2024 at a cost of $5.9 billion. The states in tornado alley included Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Oklahoma and Ohio experience tornados yearly. Just yesterday a tornado caused the death of 4 after tornado-spawning storms pummeled Texas and Mississippi. Unfortunate to hear these tornados are getting worse every year.
@Logan thank you. Love her. She will never be done with all that land ….with so many plants available for planting. ‘Well you know how that goes’. More is better… Before summer Rayne moved from her tiny apartment in Brooklyn New York USA , to her current Cottage Garden channel called - ‘Summer Rayne Oaks’. Her channel was only all about the care of house plants. She moved to outdoor gardening and hooked up with a helper to do the heavy lifting. He…He….
I love this earthship home. If I was fifty years younger, I might try to build one. I imagine there are pros and cons, like anything else.
It’s like living in a dream/greenhouse. Luv luv luv it. It’s my happy place. I bet you could build this Earthship. It has incorporated all your skills demonstrated in many of your posts. Thanks for posting Daniel.
@Logan I saw a video that the canal was destroyed News Years day 2025. I looked up the canal in England and it’s was a historic waterway constructed over 250 years ago. Very sad. Is it near by where you live? Really hard to imagine the damage floods cause. Heart breaking.
@Pacnorwest yes I've seen a couple of videos about and no it's not by me, i think that it's in Cheshire further up the country. It's happened in other countries around the world in a few years.