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C: Words and Terms beginning with C
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Jerry Sullivan's Blog
Gardenstew Glossary Index
Category: Botanical Glossary | Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 9:09 pm Gardenstew Glossary Index Have a suggestion for a word or gardening term? Please leave a comment below. Thank you, Jerry Glossary A Glossary B Glossary C Glossary D Glossary E Glossary F Glossary G Glossary H Glossary I Glossary J Glossary K Glossary L Glossary M Glossary N Glossary O Glossary P Glossary Q Glossary R Glossary S Glossary T Glossary U Glossary V Glossary W Glossary X Glossary Y Glossary Z Last edited: Fri Mar 18, 2016 4:06 pm This blog entry has been viewed 15310 times
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Z: Words and Terms beginning with Z
Category: Botanical Glossary | Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 4:02 pm Z Glossary Index: Have a suggestion for a word or term? Please leave a comment below. Thank you, Jerry (1) Zonal: Having light and dark rings. Example: Zonal geranium leaf. Last edited: Tue Aug 10, 2021 12:22 am This blog entry has been viewed 1767 times
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Y: Words and Terms beginning with Y
Category: Botanical Glossary | Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 4:00 pm Y Glossary Index: Have a suggestion for a word or term? Please leave a comment below. Thank you, Jerry (1) Yeast: A single celled organism(Unicellular ascomycetes) The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae converts carbohydrates into Carbon dioxide and alcohol. Last edited: Thu Sep 30, 2021 2:27 pm This blog entry has been viewed 1757 times
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X: Words and Terms beginning with X
Category: Botanical Glossary | Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 12:49 am X Glossary Index: Have a suggestion for a word or term? Please leave a comment below. Thank you, Jerry (4)√ Xeriscaping: An alternative method of gardening that relies on little or no irrigation as a water source. You will find this term in the plants edit section under the Suitable for category. Xerosere: A sucession of plants in a reduced moisture environment i.e. desert or rocky terrain.. Xerophyte: A plant able to withstand extended periods of drought, often adapted to conserve water. Examples: Peruvian apple cactus and the California poppy. Xylem: A transport system for water and nutrients. Like the veins and arteries in your body these plant systems are the highways for water and nutrients. The Xylem moves water and minerals from the root to provide for plant growth. Reference Post Last edited: Mon Oct 07, 2019 2:42 pm This blog entry has been viewed 1756 times
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W: Words and terms beginning with W
Category: Botanical Glossary | Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 12:47 am W Glossary Index: Have a suggestion for a word or term? Please leave a comment below. Thank you, Jerry (11)√ Wall/Trellis Plants that climb or cascade in such a way as to utilize the wall or trellis in persute of sunlight and enhance their possablilties of propagation. Water Plant: A plant that by its very nature survives best by having its roots immersed in water. You will find this term in the plants edit section under the Plant Type category. Water Shoot: A sprig eminating from the root of a tree. Weed: A plant considered undesirable, or troublesome, especially one growing where it has not been planted, or is not wanted, as in a garden. Submitted by Kay Whorled Having 3 or more leaves per node. You will find this term in the plants edit section under the Leaf Shape category. Wildflower: A flower originating in a wild habitat. You will find this term in the plants edit section under the Plant Type category. Wildflower Garden: a garden that displays flowers from a wild native habitat You will find this term in the plants edit section under the suitable for category. Wilt: The deteration of a leaf by loss of moisture, by disease or by excessive temperature. Suggested by Cayuga Morning Windbreak:Trees, shrubs, large and medium that impede the wind up to 60%. Trees: Acer campestre (field maple) Acer. platanoides (Norway maple), Populus Balsam Spire (poplar); large bushes:Amelanchier canadensis (serviceberry), Elaeagnus angustifolia (oleaster), Syringa vulgaris (lilac). medium: bushes:Berberis, Tamarix (tamarisk) You will find this term in the plants edit section under the suitable for category. Windthrow: The process where trees are felled by severe windstorms. The resulting debris then provides habitat for a host of plants and animals as well as returning carbon to the soil. Other related terms are windprune, windsnap and windtilt. All in some degree, describe the effects to trees of extreme wind storms. Woodland Garden:A garden typically sited in the shade of large deciduous trees incorporating shade or partial shade loving plants as well as mosses rocks and ferns. Examples: Ferns like Christmas, deer or chain fern, trillium, hostas, jack-in-the-pulpit, Hypum(moss) You will find this term in the plants edit section under the suitable for category. Last edited: Mon Oct 07, 2019 2:43 pm This blog entry has been viewed 1804 times
V: Words and Terms beginning with V
Category: Botanical Glossary | Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 2:31 pm V Glossary Index: Have a suggestion for a word or term? Please leave a comment below. Thank you, Jerry (12)√ Valves: The portion of the pod that upon reaching maturity and proper turgor acts as a coil spring and launches the enclosed seeds . Variegated: having various colors or color patterns. Usually refers to plant foliage that is streaked, edged, blotched, or mottled with a contrasting color, often green with yellow, cream, or white. Submitted by Kay Variety: A botanical ranking below species Vascular Tissue: The plant tissue that contains the Phylem and Xylem, used for transporting nutrients. Vasculum: A container used to collect plant specimens. Vegetable: A plant or part of a plant used for food. You will find this term in the plants edit section under the Plant Type category. Vegetable Garden: A plot of land used to grow plants used for food. You will find this term in the plants edit section under the suitable for category. Velanem: A covering of dead epidermis around the root of an epiphyte that protects the inner cells and allows for moisture transfer to the plant. Example: Orchids. Vespertine flower: A flower that blooms in the evening hours. Vine:Vines come in a variety forms utilizing several methods to accomplish growth. Coiling around an object for support, using tendrils to aid in climbing or using adventitious roots vines climb for the best position and more light. Examples are morning glory, english ivy and Clematis. You will find this term in the plants edit section under the Plant Type category. Viviparity: In Botany it is the term can be used used to describe germination within the parent plant or fruit as in seeds sprouting within the tomato. Volunteer: A plant or flower growning from seed, not intended for the location it is growing in.. They are often self seeding annuals, wind blown seeds or dropped by birds or animals. Last edited: Mon Oct 07, 2019 2:43 pm This blog entry has been viewed 1929 times
T: Words and Terms beginning with T
Category: Botanical Glossary | Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 2:30 pm T Glossary Index: Have a suggestion for a word or term? Please leave a comment below. Thank you, Jerry (21)√ Tap Root: A large root growing straight down providing stability for a plant and affording the plant the best opportunity to provide water. Lateral or secondary roots form off of this root to supply additional nutrients. Example: First root from an Oak tree acorn. Taxonomy: The examination of plants and their classification Tendril: A narrow stem used by a vine for support and to climb Terrestrial: Associated with growing on the ground as opposed to arial or on rocks Testa: the outer coat of a seed. Tetraploid: A plant that has 4 sets of chromosomes. Example: daylilies Thorn: The sharp pointed modification of a stem. Trailing: The plant characteristic defined by creeping ground growth or a cascade of plant material from a hanging potted plant. You will find this term in the plants edit section under the Plant Type category. Transgenic Plant: A genetically engineered plant having had DNA inserted Transpiration: The process where a plant takes in water through its roots and releases it through pores in its leaves. Tree: A tall woody perennial with lateral branches extending from the trunk. You will find this term in the plants edit section under the Plant Type category. Trifoliate/Ternate: A leaf characterized by its division into three sections. Example: Acer cissifolium You will find this word in the plants edit section under the leaf shape category. Tripinnate:A leaf having three series of pinnate leaves or leaflets. Example: Thrice cut ferns-Dryopteris intermedia You will find this word in the plants edit section under the leaf shape category. Tropical: Plants indigenous to zones 11-13. Some tropical plants are hardy to zone 9 You will find this term in the plants edit section under the Plant Type category. Tropical Garden: A garden that incorporates plants from zones greater than 9b. You will find this term in the plants edit section under the Suitable for category. Truncate: A leaf whose end is abruptly terminated in a blunt end. Example: A tulip tree You will find this word in the plants edit section under the leaf shape category. Tuber: A subterranian swollen root area used for nutriant storage by some plants. Example: Potato Tunic: The outer protective covering of a bulb. Turgor Pressure: The influx of water causes pressure on the cell wall and a plant becomes turgid. It's the difference between a wilting plant and a rigid plant. Tuber: A thickened portion of underground stem used for energy storage and reproduction. Submitted by Kay Tuberous root: A true root, is used as a storage mechanism for plant carbohydrates and is distinguished from tubers, rhizomes, bulbs and corms which are not roots. Examples: carrots, radishes and dandelions Last edited: Mon Oct 07, 2019 2:45 pm This blog entry has been viewed 1866 times
O: Words and Terms beginning with O
Category: Botanical Glossary | Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 5:24 am O Glossary Index: Have a suggestion for a word or term? Please leave a comment below. Thank you, Jerry (10) Obcordate: Heart-shaped, stem attaches to tapering point You will find this term in the plants edit section under the leaf shape category. Obovate: Teardrop-shaped, stem attaches to tapering point You will find this term in the plants edit section under the leaf shape category. Obtuse: With a blunt tip You will find this term in the plants edit section under the leaf shape category. Opposite: The arraignment of two leaves on the same node on either side of a stem. You will find this term in the plants edit section under the leaf shape category. Orbicular: A leaf with a circular shape You will find this term in the plants edit section under the leaf shape category. Organic: Refers to material derived from a living source. Grown only with natural fertilizer and no use of artificial chemicals. Suggested by Cayuga Morning Oriental Garden: A garden usually simple in nature with focal points connected by stepping stones or gravel. Many feature a pond with Koi. You will find this term in the plants edit section under the Suitable Fore category. Ornamental: Plants grown for displays and special purposes. Example: cut flowers or holiday decorations. You will find this term in the plants edit section under the Plant Type category. Osmosis: The process by a plant membrane to transfer liquids from the side with the most concentration to the side with the lesser concentration. Ovate: Oval, egg-shaped, with a tapering point You will find this term in the plants edit section under the leaf shape category. Last edited: Sat May 26, 2018 10:53 am This blog entry has been viewed 1859 times
S: Words and Terms beginning with S
Category: Botanical Glossary | Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 5:15 am S Glossary Index: Have a suggestion for a word or term? Please leave a comment below. Thank you, Jerry (32) Samara: Is a winged achene or fruit. The fibrous wing allows the fruit to travel on the wind further from the parent plant. An example would be the seeds of maple trees(Acer) and Elm trees(Ulmus) Sandy / Light soil: Lacking organic matter, the soil is low in nutrients and will not retain water. Composed of more sand than clay, sandy soil is easily cultivated and warms up more quickly than clay soil. You will find this term in the plants edit section under the Soli Types category. Scale A sap feeding insect often recognised by the sticky residue left as a result of feeding. Mature insects are light brown to brown hard shelled and attached to a stem or underside of a leaf. Scape: The flower stalk of a plant without leaves. Example: A Daylily plant. Seed: Covered by a protective coat seeds contain all the embryonic information to produce another plant. You will find this word in the plants edit section under the Propagation Techniques category. Seed Pod: A container that contains seeds of a flower Senescence The process wherein a plant ages. Cell division and growth capacity ceases or is severely deminished. Sepal: Part of the protective covering of a flower bud, collectively called the calyx. Reference: Shade Garden: An area of land that receives dapple shade/sun or less than 2-3 hours direct sun, Morning is better than mid or afternoon sun. Deep shade receives little or no direct sunlight. Like the color gray there is a also a wide latitude for shade. You will find this term in the plants edit section under the suitable for category. Shrub: A woody plant with multiple stems growing less than 12-14 feet. Stems are less tham 3 inches in diameter. You will find this word in the plants edit section under the Plant Type category. Side Shoots: a shoot that grows laterally away from the plant stem. You will find this term in the plants edit section under the Propagation Techniques category. Silty: Waterborn sand, soil or mud deposited as a sediment. You will find this word in the plants edit section under the Soli Types category. Slug / Snail Resistant: A plant that is inherently unappetizing to a gastropod or mollusk. You will find this term in the plants edit section under the wildlife Value category. Soil pH: A measure of soil acidity or alkalinity. While the scale allows for a range of 0 to 14 plants usually live on soil with a ph range of 5.0 to 9.0 pH effects the ability pf a plant to use nutrients hence the need to monitor soil ph to accommodate the needs of plants. Solanine: A poison found in members of the nightshade family. Noted members whose leaves and flowers are toxic are tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant and peppers. Spatulate:A leaf that like a spatula is narrow in the beginning and widens to a larger spoon shape You will find this word in the plants edit section under the leaf shape category. Spear-shaped: Or hastate shaped is pointed at the tip, widening to the base that forms pointed lobes resembling barbs. You will find this term in the plants edit section under the leaf shape category. Speciation clock: Is a molecular evolution timing technique used to identify the separation of species over geologic time. Spice: Parts of plants used in seasoning food. They can be seeds, leaves pods or other parts, fresh or dried. You will find this word in the plants edit section under the Plant Type category. Spores: A single or multi-celled organism that is the reproduction mechanism for a plant or fungi either asexually or with another spore. You will find this term in the plants edit section under the Propagation Techniques category. Stamen: The organ that produces pollen in a flower Stem Cutting: A process wherein a plant is propagated using a portion of a stem planted in a new media and allowed to establish new roots. You will find this term in the plants edit section under the Propagation Techniques category. Stolon / Runner: A surface root that traverses the ground establishing roots at nodes as well as new plants. You will find this term in the plants edit section under the Propagation Techniques category. Stomata: an orifice or hole in a leaf that allows for the exchange of gases like oxygen and carbon-dioxide. Usually found on the underside of a leaf. Sublimation: The transition of a solid to a gas without going through an intermediary stage of a liquid. i.e. ice to water vapor subnivean space: Refers to the low shallow space that forms between the snowpack and the ground. Here animals such as mice and voles are active during the winter seeking food and relative security from predators. As the snow melts the meandering tunnels of these creatures becomes more evident. Suggested by Cayuga Morming Subtropical: Regions located between the tropic of cancer and the tropic of capricorn defined by areas of temperature and periods of rainfall and geographic elevation. You will find this word in the plants edit section under the Plant Type category. Subulate: A long slender awl shaped leaf with a tapered point. Example:juniperus communis You will find this word in the plants edit section under the leaf shape category. Succulent: A plant that stores water in thick leaves and or stems as a safeguard against dry periods. Examples: Medicine Plant(Aloe Vera), Pincushion Cactus (Mammillaria). You will find this word in the plants edit section under the Plant Type category. Sucker: A new growing shoot. Underground plant roots produce suckers to form new stems and spread by means of these suckering roots to form large plantings, or colonies. Submitted by Kay Swamp: A watery area with a variety of plant life due to the abundance of nutrients. Soil collects in this habitat fed by moving water allowing trees shrubs wildflowers and grasses do well in this constantly changing environment. Symbiotic: A relationship wherein each organism contributes to the well being of the other.(Submitted by Cayuga Morning) Example: Lichen Last edited: Thu Sep 30, 2021 1:55 pm This blog entry has been viewed 2098 times
R: Words and Terms beginning with R
Category: Botanical Glossary | Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 5:14 am R Glossary Index: Have a suggestion for a word or term? Please leave a comment below. Thank you, Jerry (11) Rabbit Resistant: Plants that are usually not on the rabbits menu of edibles. Catch 22: what the rabbit eats one year it may not eat the next year. You will find this word in the Plants edit section under the Wildlife Value category. Raceme: An arrangement of single stalked flowers along an elongated, unbranched stem. Submitted by Kay Rainforest: A forest, tropical, semi-tropical or temperate in a high humidy/rainfall area containing dense stands of tall evergreens You will find this word in the Plants edit section under the leaf shape category. Rhizome: A swollen energy-storing stem structure, similar to a bulb, that lies horizontally in the soil. Roots emerge from its lower surface and stems emerge from a growing point at or near its tip, as in bearded iris. Submitted by Kay Rhizosphere: The rhizosphere is the area immediately surrounding the plant root that is effected by root secretions. I suppose seeing is better. To give you an idea as to how narrow the zone is, try gently shake plant roots in water, the area of the rhizosphere is what remains on the roots. The complex interactions in the zone are numerous and important. Fungi, bacteria, protozoa and nematodes inhabit the zone to name a few. Reference post: Reniform: A leaf whose form suggests a kidney. You will find this word in the Plants edit section under the leaf shape category. Rhomboid: A leaf in the shape of a diamond. Examples:Vanhoutte spirea and Betula nigra, You will find this word in the Plants edit section under the leaf shape category. Root: A structure of branching usually underground stems radiating out from the axis of a plant devoid of leaves, used for support and the storage and transfer of nutrients. Rich: Soil with a high amount of nutrients beneficial to plants. You will find this word in the Plants edit section under the Soil Types category. Root Cutting: A propigation tenique using a section of root from a woody plant. You will find this word in the Plants edit section under the Propigation Techniques category. Rosette: A cluster of leaves, often near the soil radiating out from a stem. You will find this word in the Plants edit section under the leaf shape category. Last edited: Tue Mar 01, 2016 3:26 pm This blog entry has been viewed 1954 times
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