T: Words and Terms beginning with T

Category: Botanical Glossary | Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 2:30 pm


Glossary Index: http://www.gardenstew.com/blog/e10953-58-glossary-index.html

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Tap Root: A large root growing straight down providing stability for a plant and affording the plant the best opportunity to provide water. Lateral or secondary roots form off of this root to supply additional nutrients.
Example: First root from an Oak tree acorn.

Taxonomy: The examination of plants and their classification

Tendril: A narrow stem used by a vine for support and to climb

Terrestrial: Associated with growing on the ground as opposed to arial or on rocks

Testa: the outer coat of a seed.

Tetraploid: A plant that has 4 sets of chromosomes. Example: daylilies

Thorn: The sharp pointed modification of a stem.

Trailing: The plant characteristic defined by creeping ground growth or a cascade of plant material from a hanging potted plant.
You will find this term in the plants edit section under
the Plant Type category.

Transgenic Plant: A genetically engineered plant having had DNA inserted

Transpiration: The process where a plant takes in water through its roots and releases it through pores in its leaves.

Tree: A tall woody perennial with lateral branches extending from the trunk.
You will find this term in the plants edit section under
the Plant Type category.

Trifoliate/Ternate: A leaf characterized by its division into three sections. Example: Acer cissifolium
You will find this word in the plants edit section under
the leaf shape category.

Tripinnate:A leaf having three series of pinnate leaves or leaflets. Example: Thrice cut ferns-Dryopteris intermedia
You will find this word in the plants edit section under
the leaf shape category.

Tropical: Plants indigenous to zones 11-13. Some tropical plants are hardy to zone 9
You will find this term in the plants edit section under
the Plant Type category.

Tropical Garden: A garden that incorporates plants from zones greater than 9b.
You will find this term in the plants edit section under
the Suitable for category.

Truncate: A leaf whose end is abruptly terminated in a blunt end. Example: A tulip tree
You will find this word in the plants edit section under
the leaf shape category.

Tuber: A subterranian swollen root area used for nutriant storage by some plants. Example: Potato

Tunic: The outer protective covering of a bulb.

Turgor Pressure: The influx of water causes pressure on the cell wall and a plant becomes turgid. It's the difference between a wilting plant and a rigid plant.

Tuber: A thickened portion of underground stem used for energy storage and reproduction. Submitted by Kay

Tuberous root: A true root, is used as a storage mechanism for plant carbohydrates and is distinguished from tubers, rhizomes, bulbs and corms which are not roots. Examples: carrots, radishes and dandelions

Last edited: Mon Oct 07, 2019 2:45 pm

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Kay wrote on Tue Nov 18, 2014 2:55 pm:

Tuber: a thickened portion of underground stem used for energy storage and reproduction.

Cayuga Morning wrote on Sun Jan 04, 2015 11:34 pm:

Jerry--I appreciate it when you give an example of the term, as you did with the terms in this blog.

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