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Be careful what you wish for...
Posted: 13 Oct 2011 Posted: 06 Sep 2011 Posted: 02 Sep 2011 Posted: 13 Aug 2011 Posted: 09 Aug 2011 All Entries |
treehugger's Blog
Be careful what you wish for...
Category: Garden projects | Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:51 pm Well I have worked for a large home improvement store for 5 yrs now and have always wanted to be the live nursery specialist. Well I finally got it. I start on Sat at 7am. So excited and nervous...I have always had a thing for plants and have been a master gardener for 2 yrs now but now its really here. I will have a whole garden center to run and people will be looking to me for answers for everything. Its amazing how much you realize you dont really know after all. It is all good and Im up to the challenge. We finally got some rain here in Tx and everyone is getting ready for some fall and winter color. Wish me luck will let everyone know how its going. This blog entry has been viewed 1114 times
Its broke and hope it doesnt get fixed.....
Category: Garden projects | Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:20 pm The weather has finally broken. Since Monday it has been under 90 and nights are down to 60 ish. They are saying that this just might be the end of the 3 digit weather...yeah. Now Im thinking of planting a few things for a fall garden. Now if we could just get some rain :) Oh have to share this ...went to a a nursery in ft. worth and they were having 30% off sale. Said I was getting any plants...right... they had baby staghorns for 6$. I got 2. I was so excited. Well everyone enjoy the weather...hope all had good Labor Day. Last edited: Fri Sep 09, 2011 6:31 pm This blog entry has been viewed 448 times
ok to plant or not....
Category: Garden projects | Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 2:19 pm so we have a cool front coming and they are saying maybe no more triple digit weather. Now I'm trying to decided if I should plant a fall garden or not..part of me does cause you have to plant something but then again they still arent calling for any rain. I dont know what to do...Im thinking just a little to satisfy my addiction but not too much to make me crazy. Any thoughts from fellow Texans... This blog entry has been viewed 340 times
Category: Garden projects | Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:03 am Well yeah we finally got some rain...nice showers that lasted a couple of hours anyway. All the rain barrels are set up and have been waiting. Doubt if they will all get full but I will take any and all we can get. Toni I hope you got some as well well ended up with about an inch of rain and barrels are nearly full ....yeah Last edited: Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:42 am This blog entry has been viewed 1594 times
I think I'm melting
Category: Garden projects | Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:59 pm As far as I know we havent seen rain in atleast 2 months (enough to drip off roof anyway). Everything is drying up and going away. Hopefully I can keep the roots alive anyway...we will see. Most of the herbs have given up ... have no flowers this summer except the moss rose.I know this to will pass but I give. We have been blessed that we havent lost any chickens or rabbits I know several people that have. Well enough whining just wanted to touch base with everyone. Guess when it does cool off I will replant and go again. Hey this is a good time to rethink,revamp, and redo my beds....right? Got to be postive about something here... lol p.s. official 39 days over 100 they say we will easily break the record Last edited: Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:43 pm This blog entry has been viewed 306 times
its raining cats today
Category: Garden projects | Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 12:54 pm well i was outside checking gardens (while it was semi cool) and the dogs were all on point at a tree. Went over to investigate telling with this bunch... tho and behold there was a kitten in the tree. My danes were looking at it and I could read their little new squeaky toy..Of course I rescued her when she fell out and now we have Oreo. Just hope she isnt a pkg deal...she is probably old enough. Was hoping for rain but cute kittens falling from sky is different. We do have 30% of scattered thunderstorms the next two days. Hope so even with watering every day the plants are all burning up...only thing happy is This blog entry has been viewed 338 times
too hot for words
Category: Garden projects | Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:42 pm Well think we are day 20+ of over a hundred degrees with no rain. Its pretty bad when the cactus are wilting. The only good thing is that here in the country we dont worry about grass so we dont have to mow. I watered good this morning and now at 5pm cant even tell. My rabbits have sweaty little feet and my great danes are both laying in their cool spot. I will see them again as soon as the sun goes Everyone stay cool or at least try. This blog entry has been viewed 1040 times
Category: Garden projects | Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 4:02 pm ok....i have talked about doing this so now I really am. This summer we havent really started any new projects we are just trying to keep everything alive through this drought. Thankfully we are in the country and can use our gray water and we also collect rain water.Nothing is really happy this year and Im not getting many flowers but at 106 degrees Im just happy to have them alive. I have started revamping my plant husband moved to his tool shed so just expanded my area. :) This blog entry has been viewed 316 times
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