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Be careful what you wish for...
Posted: 13 Oct 2011 Posted: 06 Sep 2011 Posted: 02 Sep 2011 Posted: 13 Aug 2011 Posted: 09 Aug 2011 All Entries |
its raining cats todaywell i was outside checking gardens (while it was semi cool) and the dogs were all on point at a tree. Went over to investigate telling with this bunch... tho and behold there was a kitten in the tree. My danes were looking at it and I could read their little new squeaky toy..Of course I rescued her when she fell out and now we have Oreo. Just hope she isnt a pkg deal...she is probably old enough. Was hoping for rain but cute kittens falling from sky is different. We do have 30% of scattered thunderstorms the next two days. Hope so even with watering every day the plants are all burning up...only thing happy is This blog entry has been viewed 337 times
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Well I've certainly heard of it raining cats and dogs but never either one in reality!! I hope Oreo doesn't come with 'extra baggage' in the near future but that she makes you a lovely companion.
Well, if it can't rain water then a new kitty is possibly the next best thing.
Nice story TreeHugger, any idea how the kitten got there? Login or register to leave a comment. |