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What is a Blog?
Category: Blogs Information | Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 8:40 am For those of you new to the world of blogs here are some definitions of the what a blog is: - The word blog is derived from the combination of the two words, web and log. Blogs are virtual diaries created by individuals and stored on the Internet. - A blog is basically a journal that is available on the web. The activity of updating a blog is "blogging" and someone who keeps a blog is a "blogger." Blogs are typically updated daily using software that allows people with little or no technical background to update and maintain the blog. ( ) - A weblog or internet diary. Weblogs enable users to publish short comments and ideas instantly for other people to read. Blogging can be an effective communications tool for small groups of people to keep in touch with each other. A list of all our lovely blogs at can be found here. :) Last edited: Fri Apr 22, 2011 3:33 pm This blog entry has been viewed 4745 times
How To Get Visitors To Your Blog
Category: Blogs Information | Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 2:03 am Think of the following situation :- You've started your spanking new blog and begin writing spiffing entries crammed with information. Everythings ok in the world. EXCEPT you now need people to actually find it and read it so they can interact with your blog. "But how can I get people to visit my blog" you may ask. Well just for you here are some great ways to get more eyes on your precious blog: * Word of mouth - I'll start with a simple one - let your friends know about it. They'll be dead impressed and insanely jealous :) Word of mouth can work wonders you know, online and offline. * Get links - As your blog is online a lot of visitors can be got by getting lots and lots of lovely links from other websites. Know someone who has a website? Drop them a mail letting them know and maybe they will be happy to give you a link. * Search engines - Search engines like Google and Yahoo can provide you with tons of visitors if they like your blog. Writing entries with lots of useful and descriptive content is one way to do this. Search engines love content that is valuable to other people. Write nice decriptive titles for all of your blog entries. For example if you are posting photos from your holiday in Dublin, Ireland than rather than calling the entry "Photos" be descriptive and call it "Photos from my holiday in Dublin, Ireland". That way someone searching for photos of Dublin will find your blog. * Forum signatures - If you are a member of any other forums sometimes you can sometimes place a link into your signature (the text that appears under every post you make). This is a perfect place to add a link to your blog. * Email - Send an email to any of your friends that may be interested to read your blog. * Post on the forum - Everytime you make a post on the forums you will see a link appear that points to the last blog entry that you wrote. Posting more often on the forums will greatly increase the chances that someone will read your post and follow the link to your blog. Once they read your blog once they will be hooked and will return again and again. * Write a great blog - If you write an excellent quality blog you will appear higher than other GardenStew blogs on the blogs page because your blog will get more views. Since you will appear higher than the other blogs in the lists you will get more people who will click on your blog. These are great ways to build up a really popular blog. And let me tell you a popular blog is a very satisfying achievement. It will become an extension of yourself :) Good luck!!! This blog entry has been viewed 8662 times
101 things to do with a Blog
Category: Blogs Information | Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 6:13 pm Well not quite 101 things listed here but If you start a Blog you will quickly notice that you can do so much with it, very simply. I've compiled a quick list of some examples of what you can do with your blog. Remember it is just like a journal or diary so anything that you can do with those can be achieved in your blog. * Use it to offer a daily insight into the coherent mess which is your life ;) It's amazing how others can find even the most mundane details exceptionally interesting. * Keep track of what you planted in the garden and when. Compile little lists and place them into your blog to easily track them down in the future. * Use it as your own personal website that you can tell others about. Add a bunch of your favourite links for others to visit. * Post images of your favourite plants, animal, destinations, project, etc... For example, been away on holiday to Greece? Simply create a new category called My Trip to Greece and write entries about your marvelous trip including photos! All in one tidy place. Who needs clutter :) Of course there is so much more, the only limit is your imagination really. For more details about Blogs click here. I'm loving it! This blog entry has been viewed 1461 times
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