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Meet Max
Category: | Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 7:43 pm Ok time for a happy blog entry :) My parents couldn't wait to get a new dog to have company for Shep after the death of Jinx. So my father went back to the man who originally gave us Jinx and although he didn't have another he did know of someone who had one to offer. Here's what he arrived home with, say hello to Max: ![]() Max (nickname Mad Max) ( photo / image / picture from Frank's Garden ) He has already been given the nickname Mad Max. My mother says he has a very friendly personality and likes to lick her face. I can't wait to give him a big hug to welcome him. Last edited: Sat Nov 28, 2009 10:23 am This blog entry has been viewed 4713 times
When did TV get so bad?
Category: Some Thoughts | Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 1:02 pm Earlier I made a bite to eat and decided to sit down in front of the glowing box to see what was on. I have been of the opinion for a while that TV is just terrible nowadays. There was nothing on that interested me in the slightest so I ended up watching a TV infomercial just for pure comedic value. But although I laughed (how could one not) it made me sad to think that there are some people who are capable of sitting in front of this drivel all day long. I suppose I'm not one to talk though. When I was young I was much more interested in staying indoors watching TV. How much of my time was spent soaking up whatever the box had to tell me? I don't even want to know. Now I'm going to sound like an old grandfather figure here but in my day I believe it was much better. No reality shows, less commercials, less celebrity news. Now it seems a lot of programming is all gloss, fast editing, dramatic music and no substance. There is not a lot I make time to watch on TV these days. In fact the things I do end up watching are films and sitcoms like Seinfeld. Hardly new programming there. Maybe I've just been spoiled by the variety and interactivity offered by the Internet. Will I be saying the same thing about it as well in 20 years to come. We'll see. Rant over. Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. Last edited: Thu Jul 16, 2009 1:06 pm This blog entry has been viewed 3864 times
Goodbye Jinx
Category: Some Thoughts | Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 11:28 am Jewell posted earlier about her pet losses this year and I'm afraid I have another one to report. Our 7 year old border collie Jinx (Jinxy) died in a farm accident on Thursday. Needless to say my family and I are very upset about this especially since Jinx was the probably the friendliest, most innocent dog we ever had. Just full of love and playfulness. She was also jealous whenever anyone ever petted our older sheepdog/greyhound mix Shep. Not in an angry way, more in a "look at me I'm cuter" fashion :D It was very endearing. She was also great with the sheep, the best dog my father ever had for this. We lost a pet and Shep lost a good companion. A terrible thing about living abroad as I do is that news of a family pet's death doesn't sink in until you actually go home and expect them to run to greet you. I'm not looking forward to that feeling when I return next time. I'll miss you forever Jinx, you were a cheeky one! ![]() My Pal Forever - Jinx ( photo / image / picture from Frank's Garden ) ![]() Tree Dog (aka Jinx) wonders when spring will arrive ( photo / image / picture from Frank's Garden ) ![]() Sheppy & Jinx watch both directions for intruders ( photo / image / picture from Frank's Garden ) Last edited: Mon Jul 13, 2009 12:14 pm This blog entry has been viewed 4044 times
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