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Cant tell summers over(pics)
Posted: 28 Sep 2009 Posted: 26 Aug 2009 Posted: 23 Aug 2009 Posted: 19 Aug 2009 Posted: 18 Aug 2009 All Entries |
StillPinkie's Blog
Claudette beat up my gardens
Category: just life | Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 2:23 pm >sigh< Im in damage repair mode. The tropical depression Claudette hit land not far from us. The rains and winds were off the charts. Want to know how strong the winds were? It moved a full gallion can of paint about 4feet across the drive way. My Bamboo orchid is laying down, and I cant get it to stand up. I think Im going to have to support it with bamboo stacks. :( My 3 bougainvilleas got tangled up in the Gardena and fountain grass. >rolls eyes< And the wind blow all the petals off my roses that were open. But the good news is, the water that was dropped on the yards, caused one of my clematis' to bud, the wondering jew to bloom and my American climbing rose took the hell off. I dont know where she thinks shes going but shes going some where. I swear she grew 6 inchs over night. She almost taller than the Mex Put. I planted next to her. Im going to have to support her soon. On to not so garden news, My boyfriend Eric was here for a week on leave. We had so much fun. We chartered a fishing boat and went out deep sea fishing. A friend of mines birthday was that week so we took him. Eric was hungover from the night before (noone told him to drink that much) do he was miserable on the boat...LOL serves him right. I had no sympathy for him, the way he actted the night before. I laughed at him the whole time....esp when he was hanging over the boat. LOL But my friend and I caught 7 King Mackels and a spanish. So all in all, a good 4 hour trip. And Eric and I got offically engaged. Ring and all. He leaves for Korea the first week in Sept and then deploys to Iraq (again) in Nov. I may get to see him in '10 but Im not holding my breath. His deployment to Korea is a year and his deployment to Iraq is a year. I should see him in '11 or '12. OK..Im back to pickin up wing blown petals from all over my yard. (BTW I bought a camera on Ebay so Ill be able to take good pics soon) Hopefully Ill be able to get some really good pics of the Monarch butterfly migration. You can go out onto the beach and just watch tons of them flying south to Mexico. Its a wonderful sight. >Peace --Love---and Chicken grease (as my nephews say) Pinkie Last edited: Tue Aug 18, 2009 2:30 pm This blog entry has been viewed 271 times
Yesterday was my birthday
Category: just life | Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 3:23 pm And I was reading something I wrote in here on Pinkiered when I turned 32...God what a wuss I was...LOL If I had only known how my body would really feel like at 35. The doc siad Ill most likely need knee replacement by the time Im 40 cuz my knees are so bad. And do in fact have "extra knee caps". And need emergency surgery to put them back where they belong >.< (must read below to understand that statement. LOL Ill just recap "Yes.....Its that time of the year again. I have been thinking about it alot! I think all adults do after they have hit the 30 mark. Yea I know Im still young to some of you BUT to me I will 32!!! Ive never been 32 before. Its just one step closer to 40!Not that thats a bad thing, mind you. I found out last night that my little sister and sister in law are planning a surprise birthday party for me and Rob( my little sister let it slip). His was on the 2nd. And yes, he was out on the rig for it. I was trying to think of what mile marks I have reached this year and you know, there just doesnt seem to be many. But I am ok with that. But I look just as good now as I did on my 31 birthday so that counts for something! (if you over look the fact that my "heavy top" has gone down another two inches in the past year(it keeps this up, Ill have extra knees for my 35th birthday) and my butt seems have started track down.I have few more wrinkles around my eyes and the lines around me mouth are deeper. But I cherish every one of those! Ive worked hard for them. Same with the new silver (NOT GRAY! thank you very much!) hairs I found last night. My mom was completely "silver" by the time she was 40 and so was her mom. Im following in thier foot steps! How proud they must be! But hey! I see it like this! My hair is a beautiful red(yes begging rights here) and over the years (younger) I had tried dying it different colors but my hair wont take a bottled color for some reason. I dyed it black once and it come out a plume purple. I think Im the one who started the purple hair phase back in the 80s! I tried bleaching it blonde once and it came out a hot pink...there was no losing me in the night! So, when it is completely void of color, I will have a blank canvas to work with! Hmmmmmm the possiblies! :P But for now, I just let ppl think the lights are shining on my head! Which thats what it looks like. You cant see any "silver" hairs unless the lights or sun is shining on my head and then, all youll think is that my hair is shiny! I wont stop them from thinking that!! >flips hair< Heres a peice of advise to all the "young" viewers. When the older ppl say and weve all heard it..." After you hit 30 its all down hill from there" They are NOT talking about how fast life seems to fly by! They are talking about the tricks Mother Nature plays on your body! And oh what a funny little woman she is too! My feet are a little wide cuz my butt and waist are a little thicker too. My knees hurt if I keep them bent too long in one postion. My hips pop when I crawl out of bed. I sometimes need help getting up from a kneeling postion. I can tell when its going to rain but the pain in my knees (old cross country running injuries- long story)and in my ring finger from an old break. I sometimes feel like the TinMan whose joints need a really good oiling from time to time.And my butt has taken to falling asleep if I sit too being squished between my body and a hard chair isnt entertainting enough for it. Its very strange to get up from the computer and having that feeling that you have something attacted to you that you cant feel! But I should be happy that I dont get pins and needles in my butt cheeks!! Well.....I cant say that! I think I would rather have the feeling of fireworks in my butt cheeks than knowing its there but not feeling it!! Since its track south of the border, just knowing its where it should be is a relief. As I come in to my 32 year on this planet, I have learned something. I now understand why women in their 30s wear tight jeans. Its not to show off their girlish figures! Its to bring the butt back up where it belongs.....its like a bra for your butt cheeks. My skin isnt as firm as it use to be and there is no "inner glow" of youth unless Im constipated. I thought my complexion was clear until my lovely hubby pointed out a spot on my head (in my hair thank god!). I couldnt see it so I went to the doc over in Jacksonville. It turns out I have my first "age" spot. Whatever that means. I think its just a freakle (yes I spelled it right...its my word for a freaked out freckle.)Im a red head....I have lots of freakles. I think I will invent a new bra to sleep in so when I rollover onto my side, I dont have to pick up my boob and move it out of the way. Come to think of it, I think since Im in that phase now, Ill invent one to keep them in the front when I lay on my back.I would think "back boobs" would be uncomfy. I do beleive that is coming nextand a girl needs her beauty sleep! ;) Im looking foward to seeing what my body will come up with next. I told hubby not long ago, that I needed to stay out of the hot sun more because my body is actting like playdough. Its melting in the heat! He then told me that it wasnt the suns fault. I am a rea head so its all my inner heat....I was damned before I was even born!HAHAH! But all in all, Im not bad off. Im a year older come Thurs (AND NOT A DAY BEFORE!! Dont wish me Happy Birthday until the 13th or Ill stick my freakles and freaking wrinkles on you!);P and I think I will live another year! Im a year older and Im doing fine! Last edited: Fri Jul 07, 2006 4:57 pm " God, I sounded so care free, didnt I? Last edited: Tue Jul 14, 2009 3:25 pm This blog entry has been viewed 367 times
The last 3 yrs
Category: just life | Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 2:45 am Well the last time I had been on here was Dec 06. I had found out Rob had carried on with another woman so I kicked him out and started the divorce. I moved and had to give away all my plants and roses :( I miss gardening. Its my passion...well it was my 2nd passion. The first was my painting. I havent been able to paint or plant since I kicked him out and moved. Still cant paint (some kind of painters block.) BUT I GET TO PLANT!!! YAY Anywho, 2 yrs ago, I meet an amazing man. I didnt mean to get into another relationship...but he somehow got me. Weve been together 2 years now. Hes in OK at the moment for training. Hes Army and has been in for almost 20 yrs. Hes getting ready to redeploy sometime this year. We will know in July when hes leaving. But this time its for 2 yrs. So hes there and I just moved to FL to be with my family during this one. The last one was harsh...I was all alone. My divorce from Rob was never completed. He died April 1, 08, by his own actions. DUI and not wearing a seat belt. It had no affect on me what so ever when he died. Saved that I was kicked a tree and made the comment, just like him to die AFTER I paid 1400. for a lawyer. LOL But now, Im back in school and just living. I missed you all and thought about yall often. How is so and so doing? Hows that grandbaby? Hows that new rose or tree or whatever? LOL Im back cuz I got a huge front yard and back yard just waiting for me to dig in :D This blog entry has been viewed 310 times
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