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Recent Entries to this Blog Cant tell summers over(pics)
Posted: 28 Sep 2009
Look who I caught bathing in my sprinklers!!!
Posted: 26 Aug 2009
around the yard (pics)
Posted: 23 Aug 2009
>sigh< My Dear Mom
Posted: 19 Aug 2009
Claudette beat up my gardens
Posted: 18 Aug 2009

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StillPinkie's Blog

Cant tell summers over(pics)

Category: gardening from scratch | Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:02 pm

It was so dry over the summer but in the last 2 weeks weve gotten over 15 inchs of rain. ANd now you cant tell summers over and we are sliding into Fall.

My yards is still as bright and colorful as always.
Heres a pic of my Perfumer Delight rose. I cut it for my brother Eli since he cant get out to see them. I was in awe of how big it was getting as it opened...and you could smell its scent before you entered his room.

first day I cut it

Second day

third days...ITS HUGE!!

My three Knockout roses

My mini cannas with the tropical Ginger down front

The whole front leading up to the door

My lil teasures too small to see in the pics
Mini red roses

mini white

Mini azlea (the palest of pinks...couldnt get the color on camera)

And...the darlings of my yard that cause ppl to stop and ask what they are. My Bougainvilleas. Only 4 are in blooms but the rest are close behind,,,just hope they do it before they die back for winter.

My purple bush

my rambling Hot Pink Mama (shes rambling into all the surrounding plants...tho it said give her a 3 foot spacing..uh huh)

And the last 2 have a story. I bought a pot on sale at Walmart and it had 3 bougainvilleas in it (ya know, to make them look fuller) But I never transplant them that way. I run water gently over the roots to seperate and then I have 3 plants. Well, only one of these were in bloom when I bought. Its the palest of lavanders. Well, I transplanted them in a lil group for show when they started bloomins. Well, guess my surprise when one turned out to be a girl!!! LOL Lookit
My lovely Lavender
And my pretty in pink baby girl

Last edited: Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:02 pm

This blog entry has been viewed 337 times

Look who I caught bathing in my sprinklers!!!

Category: gardening from scratch | Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:42 am

They live in a tree in the yard. Arent they just too cute?

This blog entry has been viewed 332 times

around the yard (pics)

Category: gardening from scratch | Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 5:09 pm

I have some new blloms.

My American climbing rose is just full of blooms being so small but next to the purple Mex Put. the colors just contrast so well. I love it!!!

The Jocabs coat (tho now Im wondering if its something else)
These blooms are on one bush!!! It acts like it gets sunburned!! LOL

The KNockouts are just covered and so pretty

Some of my special prides. I am trying my hand at orchids.

And the easiest one to grow in the world is my Bamboo Orchid. Shes just a baby(BTW I had to stake it from Claudette)

And some plants that were giving to me!!! LOTS!

First it the pregnant onion SHE GAVE BIRTH! lol

A lemon grass

9 or 10 Black Elephant ears (going in the green house til spring)

Some other Elephant ears

And a Giant Ruffle Elephant ear (2 actually)

This blog entry has been viewed 392 times

>sigh< My Dear Mom

Category: gardening from scratch | Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 8:52 pm

I swear, me and my mom need to have a talk about her planting buying sprees.

We went to Lowes today to get a SCREW and come home with tons of plants and pretty pots to put them in. And the whole time Im get to buy them BUT I GET TO PLANT THEM!!!! AND Im still 5 bushes behind. >sigh<

We are moving a small palm from the front of the house to the back in late winter/early spring and she wants to put like a rose tree or something of the sort there. Well, today she started looking at them. and wanted to buy one. I was like ,Mom, ummm...and where are we going ot put this "oh so pretty" tree til I move the palm IN LATE WINTER? She tells me, oh you can put it in the green house (which Im building at the end of summer for my seeds) And she looks at me with a straight face. >.> I had to grab her by the shirt and pull her away from the "oh so pretty" trees with a promise, that come spring, we will find the perfect "oh so pretty" to put there.

She like a kid in the candy store, but I get to suffer the rotten tooth ache.

Ebay loves my mom as much as me now, I think. I have seeds coming in almost everyday that I have to label and stash away. I found out today that I actually have some live plants coming in too....that will have to go into the greenhouse til sping.

>sigh< and Im still 5 bushes behind but the list keeps growing of what needs to go into the ground.
5 bushes, 10 flowers, 4 vines and 6 plants to be potted in pretty pots.

I think Ill get this all done about the time the bulbs are due to go under. Figures.

LOL I used gardening to get away from the stress and to think...its like medtation. But now I have to go to football pratice (yes Im on the womans full contact football team here) to get away from my garden.

Gee mom, I love you too

Last edited: Wed Aug 19, 2009 8:59 pm

This blog entry has been viewed 293 times

The rest of the yards

Category: gardening from scratch | Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 10:54 pm

This is my moms front yard. Its split into 2 areas.

The first area is the patch of soil with sidewalks on all sides and a tree frowing right in the middle. (way to go mom)

The KNockouts are in the far back of this area and then theres a sidewalk, and a lil area for a lil garden and then the house. Well, on this sidewalk, I have filled it with plants. Ppl can jsut walk the long ways around, lazys.

When I get my own camera Ill take a pic of the whole thing so you get a better idea what Im talking about.

Starting with the very front of the house by the porch anf moving foward.

Mexican putunias, with some kind of lil palm (thats getting moved in spring) and moss roses in the very front. To the left is one of moms azalea bushes (sp?)

then on the sidewalk is 2 mandavillas. A red one and a white one

and a Surdiva

and a Hybiscus acuttaly 2 but ones on the other side of the driveway WAVE!!!

this Sunday Im building a trellis to cover the main walkway and will be planting this starburst clematis with a dark pink clematis and beside it is a Jacobs Coat rose

then behind them is the potted Bougainvilleas the lil one here is a gold orange and the larger one is a Purple passion (which is getting planted on the propery line (pics farther down) and the one by itself is a golden orange

Then the 3 Knockout roses

This is in front of the knockouts...its the tree in the center of
This where spidermites took over. But I think Ive gotten rid of them. Im watching everything closely. I put 3 Bougainvilleas around the tree and will train them to climb up.
We call this Villeas gone wild cuz of how its going to look when they take off. You can see the yellow canna the mite had started eatting and in front of this area if you look closely, youll see some unknown lilies. I had to cut them down because of the mites.

then to right of that theres nothign now but Im going to plant some Mexican heather there

and to the right of that I have a yellow canna (see spiter mite damage to see them ugh) But you can see it in the pic

and some Curcuma Ginger. Its a tropical ginger

Then down in the very front are my lil babies. 4 Blush mini roses. across the main walkway back towards the porch is a azalea bush and some kind of lil white and green leaf bush. There was a space there so I filled it in with Colus and Wondering Jew

Next to that is a Sweet Olive tree (smells wonderful in bloom) and under it I transplanted some unknown lilies

now to the front of the house. I forgot to take a pic of the part of this yard.
I have a collection of to be planted plants here.

This beauty is going on the property line.
A Blue Plumbago

My sweet sweet and most favoritest plant The Sihouette Bougainvillea. Its actually a light lavender color but it kept coming out pink in the pics. Also going on the property line.

Then theres todays purchases
I lost my JFK rose so Im replacing with a Perfume Delight. Its going right up on the front of the house, with 2 other roses. And the lil pots are the Mexican Heather I got today for .25 cent each

The rose is about to bloom!!!!

To the front of the house...

theres 2 roses there. Small yet but they are there. The perfume delight is going to the left, the Climbing American rose is in the middle and a Love rose is on the right and you can somewhat see a Knockout in the foreground.

The American climbing rose

Know next to the Knockout in the foreground is a mini they say but I have a feel they lied, if so Ill have to move it to the property line.
Its called Autumn pretty but it doesnt clean up after itself.

and Last but not least is the property line.

the one closest is a unknown Gardenia, then a purple fountain grass and a Orange Canna in the very back. The spot at the very top will have a Fountain Butterfly bush in it come early spring. Its going to fill in so nicely here!!!

The orange canna a Pretoria canna

Ok thats the front. Ill post the back later in blog. Thos it will be alot shorter...youll see why...LOL

Last edited: Thu Aug 06, 2009 10:55 pm

This blog entry has been viewed 744 times

My lil brothers, Elis, garden

Category: gardening from scratch | Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 9:36 pm

My lil brother who is 30 now, has cerebral palsy. He wheelchair bound and bed ridden. Well, when they redid his room, they added a window next to his bed, that he can easily see out of. Everything has to be above the window sill so he can see it laying down. He watchs the birds feed everydays and their messy eatting habits, tickle him to peices. We put a bird bath in just behind the feeder.

We had a cat in heat across the street and her male vistors used the birdbath garden to sleep in, to drink and try to catch the birds. When they would jump on the bird bath , the heavy top would tumble off into the plants below. So I had a light bulb go off and used Garillia glue(sp?) to glue the base to the brick below and the top to the base. I put way too much on and now theres plants glued to the base >-< LOL.

This is his window as he sees it. You can see the top of his head in this pic

When I started on this, everything was window level to him but it was bare under I did it it all is...Now if I can just get the rest of the gardens to look this good lol

As seen from the front of the house

(dont look at the birdbath..I gotta firgure out a way to clean it now that I cant move it) The thing growing up the trellis is one of my Bougainvilleas.

in the front is purple, pink and purple (in that order) skullcap.with Salvia in the back and on one side (check out the yellow glue!!!!! LOL)

pink and purple skullcap

I filled in the spot at the end in front of the bougainvillea with a moss rose. It juse sets off the dark purple skullcap

and since the birds are loving the feeder and bath only twice a day, mornings and evenings, I decided to try and bring in some butterflies for a lil show for him. So I planted a lil butterfly bush (a lil too close to the bird bath gardens edge) But it will grow tall enough for Eli to see it over the window sill and so he will get to see butterflys. Come late winter Im ordering a bunch more to plant along the side of the house (see second pic) all the way back to the backyard fence. That way he has a greater chance of seeing them.

If you look in the second pic, you will see a brick in the front to the left. Its sitting right in front of the butterfly bush.

and this beautiy hangs next to the feeder. Its a Purslane. And this pic doesnt to this stunning plant any justice

AND I got all these plants on the sales rack. Because of the drought heat wave that lasted all spring and most of the summer, all the plants had a very short life span in the nurseries (such as Lowes, Home Depot and Walmart) I think the only thing we paid over $3 for was the hanging basket of Purslane.

This blog entry has been viewed 408 times

I have a new love **update**

Category: gardening from scratch | Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:53 pm


Oh man do I love this plant!!! I was looking around online after I had bought a hanging basket with a hot pink and a golden orange and just feel in love. I hate to say this, but my love for this plant rivals my love for the all mighty rose. I have 12 roses in the yard and have 7 bouginvilleas. My newest buy is the Sihouette. Its a soft purple dwarf shrub. Oh its so pretty. Im going back today for a few more of those and a few of the Miss Alice it plant with them.

I also got a passion purple...CANT wait to see it bloom.

Im on the hunt for a San Diego Red.

*** Update :( I went back to get more of the Sihouette and a few Miss Alice....they were all gone and I was told, that they arent getting anymore this year. >heart breaks< I guess is just as well. Winter isnt too far off and these plants have a fairly weak root systems. If I couldnt get the roots down deep enough by first frost, I would have lost them. I do beleive the Plant Fates have stepped in. DAMN THEM! j/k**

Last edited: Tue Aug 04, 2009 6:06 pm

This blog entry has been viewed 279 times

new plants ....and more roses

Category: gardening from scratch | Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 2:52 pm

Yes, I went shopping again..... :D

I was doing some running around and saw a lil nursey tucked away so I stopping in. She had most everything on sell.

I went nuts I tell ya!!! And all on moms credit card!!! I bought a JFK rose for $7 (doing great), 4 red Knockout roses for 7.50 each and these things are HUGE!!! About 3 1/2 foot tall and about 2 foot wide. I got these cool lil plants that look like a cross between a lil bamboo and a Cora Vinca. It has the flower somewhat like it but they stand about 18 inches tall on thumb size trunks that look just like bamboo. They are so pretty. I got 12 of those for $1.64 each. Most are red floowers with bright green trunks but tucked in to the middle of all the bushiness was one with bright red trunks and leaves and orange flowers...I love it!!! Im going back to find more orange.

I have a nursery of bougaivillea cuttings. Ive searched this town over for orange ones but I can find anymore. So Im going to try and grow some.

Oh and I got 3 Clemtis vines that says they are Sunburst on sell for $2 each. They looked like they were dying but turns out, they just out grew thier pots... gotta love it when the ppl taking care of them, dont know the diff. Great luck for me!

Im trying to get my hands on a camera to get pics to post.

Last edited: Tue Jul 14, 2009 2:53 pm

This blog entry has been viewed 252 times

Jungle Growth

Category: gardening from scratch | Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 2:11 am

I went with mom the first time we got new plants and she was telling me about this new planting soil called Jungle Growth.

When I used it to put the new plants in the grow, it was awesome!!! The shock of the transplant was cut down to about 1 day....2 at the most.

The roses loved it...big and small..all the vines and bulbs are just taking off. My whole yard is already looking great.

Yall have GOT to try this stuff. Its go everyting in it, from growth hormones to plant feed in it, mom said. After seeing what it does, I so beleive her.

This blog entry has been viewed 256 times


Category: gardening from scratch | Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 2:26 am

Im so happy. For the last 2 mornings, Ive been getting up at 630am til 1030 am (til its too hot) and planting my lil heart out.

Mom and I went to the different plant places and she bought all the plants and flowers I picked out. We spent hours just looking and looking. I was in heaven.

Ill try to remember all the plants we got...Im sure Ill miss some.

To start off we picked out 4 roses. FREAK YAY!!! (does happy dance)
A beautiful Love rose. Its hot pink with a lil white at the center AND IT SMELLS LIKE HEAVEN.
A heirloom soft yellow rose (didnt have a name on it) and smells like rose heaven.
2 climbers
America climber and a Jacobs Coat.

We got 2 small Bougainvillea. A hot pink and orange and I planted them together. Ive never seen the orange one before and am thinking about trying to grow one from a cutting. Ill get back to you on that.

We got Surdiva Scaevola
4 beautiful coleus
Gardena (think I spelled that right)
3 Mex Petunias (well contained)
6 Moss roses
a Black Knight and Purple Emperor butterfly bush
Wondering Jew
and about 10 other plants I dont remember the names of.


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