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Category: gardening from scratch | Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 2:26 am

Im so happy. For the last 2 mornings, Ive been getting up at 630am til 1030 am (til its too hot) and planting my lil heart out.

Mom and I went to the different plant places and she bought all the plants and flowers I picked out. We spent hours just looking and looking. I was in heaven.

Ill try to remember all the plants we got...Im sure Ill miss some.

To start off we picked out 4 roses. FREAK YAY!!! (does happy dance)
A beautiful Love rose. Its hot pink with a lil white at the center AND IT SMELLS LIKE HEAVEN.
A heirloom soft yellow rose (didnt have a name on it) and smells like rose heaven.
2 climbers
America climber and a Jacobs Coat.

We got 2 small Bougainvillea. A hot pink and orange and I planted them together. Ive never seen the orange one before and am thinking about trying to grow one from a cutting. Ill get back to you on that.

We got Surdiva Scaevola
4 beautiful coleus
Gardena (think I spelled that right)
3 Mex Petunias (well contained)
6 Moss roses
a Black Knight and Purple Emperor butterfly bush
Wondering Jew
and about 10 other plants I dont remember the names of.


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eileen wrote on Mon Jul 06, 2009 9:58 am:

WOW you've had a plant shopping bonanza haven't you? Oh I wish I'd been there too as I love buying plants. They'd probably have had to re-stock once I'd been there though!!! LOL

You must try to get some photographs for us 'cause if I can't buy then looking comes second best.


Netty wrote on Mon Jul 06, 2009 11:33 am:

Sounds wonderful! I love a good plant shopping spree too!
I'd love a Butterfly Bush :)

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