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Cant tell summers over(pics)
Posted: 28 Sep 2009 Posted: 26 Aug 2009 Posted: 23 Aug 2009 Posted: 19 Aug 2009 Posted: 18 Aug 2009 All Entries |
My lil brothers, Elis, gardenMy lil brother who is 30 now, has cerebral palsy. He wheelchair bound and bed ridden. Well, when they redid his room, they added a window next to his bed, that he can easily see out of. Everything has to be above the window sill so he can see it laying down. He watchs the birds feed everydays and their messy eatting habits, tickle him to peices. We put a bird bath in just behind the feeder. We had a cat in heat across the street and her male vistors used the birdbath garden to sleep in, to drink and try to catch the birds. When they would jump on the bird bath , the heavy top would tumble off into the plants below. So I had a light bulb go off and used Garillia glue(sp?) to glue the base to the brick below and the top to the base. I put way too much on and now theres plants glued to the base >-< LOL. This is his window as he sees it. You can see the top of his head in this pic ![]() When I started on this, everything was window level to him but it was bare under I did it it all is...Now if I can just get the rest of the gardens to look this good lol As seen from the front of the house ![]() (dont look at the birdbath..I gotta firgure out a way to clean it now that I cant move it) The thing growing up the trellis is one of my Bougainvilleas. ![]() ![]() in the front is purple, pink and purple (in that order) skullcap.with Salvia in the back and on one side (check out the yellow glue!!!!! LOL) ![]() pink and purple skullcap ![]() I filled in the spot at the end in front of the bougainvillea with a moss rose. It juse sets off the dark purple skullcap ![]() ![]() ![]() and since the birds are loving the feeder and bath only twice a day, mornings and evenings, I decided to try and bring in some butterflies for a lil show for him. So I planted a lil butterfly bush (a lil too close to the bird bath gardens edge) But it will grow tall enough for Eli to see it over the window sill and so he will get to see butterflys. Come late winter Im ordering a bunch more to plant along the side of the house (see second pic) all the way back to the backyard fence. That way he has a greater chance of seeing them. If you look in the second pic, you will see a brick in the front to the left. Its sitting right in front of the butterfly bush. ![]() and this beautiy hangs next to the feeder. Its a Purslane. And this pic doesnt to this stunning plant any justice ![]() AND I got all these plants on the sales rack. Because of the drought heat wave that lasted all spring and most of the summer, all the plants had a very short life span in the nurseries (such as Lowes, Home Depot and Walmart) I think the only thing we paid over $3 for was the hanging basket of Purslane. This blog entry has been viewed 408 times
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What a lovely garden you have created for your brother. I'm sure Eli appreciates it and thoroughly enjoys watching the birds using the birdbath and seeing all the lovely flowers you have planted. What a thoughtful and loving sister you are.
Wonderful, what a thoughtful natural environment that you have provided for your brother. The garden is lovely. I especially like the purslane. I didn't realize it came in such a beautiful color. :)
The Purslane is actually more orangish than pink but the sun was shining right on them and they kept coming out this color. Login or register to leave a comment. |