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The rest of the yards

Category: gardening from scratch | Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 10:54 pm

This is my moms front yard. Its split into 2 areas.

The first area is the patch of soil with sidewalks on all sides and a tree frowing right in the middle. (way to go mom)

The KNockouts are in the far back of this area and then theres a sidewalk, and a lil area for a lil garden and then the house. Well, on this sidewalk, I have filled it with plants. Ppl can jsut walk the long ways around, lazys.

When I get my own camera Ill take a pic of the whole thing so you get a better idea what Im talking about.

Starting with the very front of the house by the porch anf moving foward.

Mexican putunias, with some kind of lil palm (thats getting moved in spring) and moss roses in the very front. To the left is one of moms azalea bushes (sp?)

then on the sidewalk is 2 mandavillas. A red one and a white one

and a Surdiva

and a Hybiscus acuttaly 2 but ones on the other side of the driveway WAVE!!!

this Sunday Im building a trellis to cover the main walkway and will be planting this starburst clematis with a dark pink clematis and beside it is a Jacobs Coat rose

then behind them is the potted Bougainvilleas the lil one here is a gold orange and the larger one is a Purple passion (which is getting planted on the propery line (pics farther down) and the one by itself is a golden orange

Then the 3 Knockout roses

This is in front of the knockouts...its the tree in the center of
This where spidermites took over. But I think Ive gotten rid of them. Im watching everything closely. I put 3 Bougainvilleas around the tree and will train them to climb up.
We call this Villeas gone wild cuz of how its going to look when they take off. You can see the yellow canna the mite had started eatting and in front of this area if you look closely, youll see some unknown lilies. I had to cut them down because of the mites.

then to right of that theres nothign now but Im going to plant some Mexican heather there

and to the right of that I have a yellow canna (see spiter mite damage to see them ugh) But you can see it in the pic

and some Curcuma Ginger. Its a tropical ginger

Then down in the very front are my lil babies. 4 Blush mini roses. across the main walkway back towards the porch is a azalea bush and some kind of lil white and green leaf bush. There was a space there so I filled it in with Colus and Wondering Jew

Next to that is a Sweet Olive tree (smells wonderful in bloom) and under it I transplanted some unknown lilies

now to the front of the house. I forgot to take a pic of the part of this yard.
I have a collection of to be planted plants here.

This beauty is going on the property line.
A Blue Plumbago

My sweet sweet and most favoritest plant The Sihouette Bougainvillea. Its actually a light lavender color but it kept coming out pink in the pics. Also going on the property line.

Then theres todays purchases
I lost my JFK rose so Im replacing with a Perfume Delight. Its going right up on the front of the house, with 2 other roses. And the lil pots are the Mexican Heather I got today for .25 cent each

The rose is about to bloom!!!!

To the front of the house...

theres 2 roses there. Small yet but they are there. The perfume delight is going to the left, the Climbing American rose is in the middle and a Love rose is on the right and you can somewhat see a Knockout in the foreground.

The American climbing rose

Know next to the Knockout in the foreground is a mini they say but I have a feel they lied, if so Ill have to move it to the property line.
Its called Autumn pretty but it doesnt clean up after itself.

and Last but not least is the property line.

the one closest is a unknown Gardenia, then a purple fountain grass and a Orange Canna in the very back. The spot at the very top will have a Fountain Butterfly bush in it come early spring. Its going to fill in so nicely here!!!

The orange canna a Pretoria canna

Ok thats the front. Ill post the back later in blog. Thos it will be alot shorter...youll see why...LOL

Last edited: Thu Aug 06, 2009 10:55 pm

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