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new plants ....and more roses

Category: gardening from scratch | Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 2:52 pm

Yes, I went shopping again..... :D

I was doing some running around and saw a lil nursey tucked away so I stopping in. She had most everything on sell.

I went nuts I tell ya!!! And all on moms credit card!!! I bought a JFK rose for $7 (doing great), 4 red Knockout roses for 7.50 each and these things are HUGE!!! About 3 1/2 foot tall and about 2 foot wide. I got these cool lil plants that look like a cross between a lil bamboo and a Cora Vinca. It has the flower somewhat like it but they stand about 18 inches tall on thumb size trunks that look just like bamboo. They are so pretty. I got 12 of those for $1.64 each. Most are red floowers with bright green trunks but tucked in to the middle of all the bushiness was one with bright red trunks and leaves and orange flowers...I love it!!! Im going back to find more orange.

I have a nursery of bougaivillea cuttings. Ive searched this town over for orange ones but I can find anymore. So Im going to try and grow some.

Oh and I got 3 Clemtis vines that says they are Sunburst on sell for $2 each. They looked like they were dying but turns out, they just out grew thier pots... gotta love it when the ppl taking care of them, dont know the diff. Great luck for me!

Im trying to get my hands on a camera to get pics to post.

Last edited: Tue Jul 14, 2009 2:53 pm

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gardengater wrote on Tue Jul 14, 2009 3:22 pm:

Lucky you! You will love those Knockouts. They are carefree and bloom all summer. Enjoy your new plants.


Netty wrote on Wed Jul 15, 2009 1:27 am:

Sounds like you got some great deals Pinkie! I could only be so lucky!


Jewell2009 wrote on Wed Jul 15, 2009 6:34 pm:

You've been doing some awesome shopping. Happy planting ;)

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