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looking's Blog
Some friends on the houseboat
Category: On the Houseboat | Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 1:04 am Ah.... back on line again after tech problems! Well, this is the last in the Houseboat blog, then back to Europe. We did have some hitchhikers who came along with us for the ride. Here is one. This little fella appeared one morning in time for breakfast. And this one for lunch! And this one visited from time to time as we travelled. He was quite hungry most of the time! It was then time to say goodbye to our houseboat and head back to 'civilisation'! This blog entry has been viewed 903 times
Some of the countryside
Category: On the Houseboat | Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 3:01 pm The Murray is a great river and the lifeline of South Australia. It is pretty much our only water source (apart from rainwater tanks in the back yard) Here are some pics of the river. There are houses and shacks along the river. (Houses are permanent dwellings, shacks are used as holiday homes and not lived in permanently) The river is becoming overrun by willow trees along the banks. While they look very pretty, they are considered a pest as they are detrimental to the river. There are many areas where there cliffs which are really great for fishing, as many fish live around and under the crags. There are also many places where you can moor, either overnight or just for a short while and go for a walk. There are lots of wildlife on the walks from rabbits to kangaroos and bird life. And of course, pelicans. It's amazing to watch the pelicans fish for food. They seem to know exactly where the fish are (without using a fish finder!) and often surface with 2 or more fish in their bills. This blog entry has been viewed 908 times
On the Houseboat
Category: On the Houseboat | Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 12:03 pm I am starting a new blog, as well as continuing the Europe trip. My wife & I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary last weekend (18 December) and took all our kids (+ their respective spouses) on a houseboat along the Murray River in South Australia for the weekend (3 days) So the following pics are all of that weekend. It was a fantastic time. We drove from Adelaide (where we live) to Mannum on the River Murray. Here is a sign (somewhat defaced by bored local teenagers methinks!) of the town. The houseboat we hired was called "Scoundrel" It was a 12 berth luxury craft with twin 60hp outboard motors, 40" plasma TV, DVD, CD, and sound system in the front lounge. 5 CD sound system and TV & video player in the rear lounge. 2 toilets & showers, sun deck on roof, BBQ, etc, etc. It was certainly luxury. And here is the captain (well..... one of them!) as we journey up the Murray River toward Wlakers Flat. We stopped a couple of times along the way to go for a walk in the bush. Here is Joe, my son in law, coming back from a lagoon walk. We were not alone on the river. There were many other houseboats and other water craft along the way. here is another that passed us as we moored. Everyone is so friendly on the river. All wave as you or they go past. Even the skiers try to wave as they pass. (Most fall off! ha, ha.) Here is our first nights site, chosen so we could have a bonfire on the bank after dark. It also had a walking track into the bush and was a great walk. Right now is the season for snakes to come out of hibernation. We did see one 6 foot brown snake but it slithered away as soon as it saw us. Snakes in Australia are among the most venomous and dangerous in the world. We have a number of deadly species, but generally they do not like human activity and will move away from noise (unless you are between them and their hole) The river is also home to much wildlife. From ducks to eagles, to pelicans. There is not a great deal of fish. Murray river carp (a menace and considered a pest. It is illegal to throw them back in the river. Once caught they must be left on the bank for the birds. They are not good eating) The only other fish are the cod and the callop. I don't think much of them as eating fish, but they are fun to catch and then let go. This blog entry has been viewed 968 times
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