Back on track again!
My latest Europe trip | Posted:
Mon Mar 13, 2006 4:50 pm
OK, after some time away for a much needed holiday, and a new Grandson!, I am back again. (Some say "Yay", others say "So what")
Anyway, when we we in London we saw this sign. A fantastic testimony to a great play.
The Moustrap is at St Martins Theatre in London.
We went from London to Amsterdam. I wasn't that thrilled with Amsterdam. It was a dirty, dingy city. However, it did have its high points. Over here in Oz we have multi-storey car parks. Over there they have multi-storey pushbike parks because everyone rides a bike. There are no cars or buses in the city.
Some parts of it were interesting. Like this Erotic Museum. (What do you exhibit in an erotic museum, old protitutes?) We didn't go in, so I still don't know what was in there.
Here is another view of Amsterdam. We found the people (locals) to be quite unfriendly. Whether that is because they don't like tourists, or they are just naturally like that we don't know. However, the only words they say are swear words when you get in their way.
From there we journeyed to Venice. Venice is a dying city, even though it is very popular with tourists. this is because the buildings are getting dilapidated and cannot be maintainedby law (they are on the heritage list, which means that no modification, not even painting, can be done to them). Also, the only work there is tourism. So most of the young folk leave looking for work eslewhere.
This is the Grand Canal.
There are hudreds of bridges. The only way to get around is by boat or walk.
Here is the cathedral in the main square. This cathedral is actually built on water. It stands on 1.8 million special timber staunchons. (Most of the buildings in venice are on stilts or staunchons below the water. Becuase the cathedral is on these staunchons, the number of people allowed in at any one time is limited. We had to go in groups of 5.
They have also found that the cathedral is slowly sinking on the east side. Estimated time to submergence if nothing is done = 12 years. (The catheral is also heritage listed)
Cheers for now
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