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Happy Creatures

Category: Serendipity | Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2024 6:35 pm

There is a song with a line "all the happy creatures dancing in the yard." We have lots of happy creatures, so much so we are thinking of opening up a nature preserve.
Deer--we have them in the pasture, back yard, and trotting though the vegetable gardens. Does and fauns, but no stags. Since we don't allow hunting on our property they is their "safe place."
Rabbits. We have chased rabbits out of the garden (they love spinach) but never hurt one. I was weeding the asparagus patch and scared a baby bunny out of its rabbit hole. My husband picked it up and cuddled it in his warm hands until I found the hold and we returned it to its home.
Bobcats. We have a resident bobcat that brings her kittens to the pond to drink. Once she was on the prowl and walked down the fence between the back yard and pasture. A neighbor passing by stopped by and told us we had a bobcat in the front yard! He was excited, but we knew it was just our resident.
Coyotes. We hear them yodel at night. Despite popular opinion, coyotes do not howl, they yodel. We have a much lower rodent population thanks to the few coyotes that pass through our pasture.
Opossums. We had a 'possum who lived in the barn for a while under a pallet we stored there. The 'possum and the hens got along fine without anybody getting upset or frightened. Virginia the 'possum was out in the barn lot one morning and as I was going out to feed the hens, she saw me and promptly fell over. I thought I'd given her a heart attack and killed her! Than I remembered the old saying "playing possum" to pretend you are dead and predators leave you alone. I was so relieved!
Fox. There are two kinds of fox here--red and gray. We had a fox show up on our path. My husband hurried back to the house to get the camera, but the fox followed him and actually hissed at him. They hiss like cats, don't bark like dogs. Husband decided to not turn his back on the fox.
We enjoy our happy creatures, and every day brings the chance of seeing another happy creature!

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Sjoerd wrote on Wed Jun 26, 2024 10:59 pm:

I really liked this blog entry, Jane. I appreciste the wildlife in, over and outside our garden. The park outside our apt. also had a load of wildlife and a deer park with other animas that wander around and fly about there.
Thanks for this great posting.


Sjoerd wrote on Thu Dec 05, 2024 3:54 pm:

Hiya Jane,
I was wondering if you are having a lot of migrating birds there at the moment?

We are having the tail end of migraters, except for the ones that over-winter here. I sometimes sit in the garden shed and silently watch and take note of what I see. I have hot tea and a gas heater at my disposal, if needs be.

I enjoy your blogs but would be happier if you wrote more. Haha. Really.


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