Plant moving day, lights, ducks, frogs

Category: The back yard | Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 3:20 pm

I did this a couple of weeks ago but since this is my first entry.....
The houseplants vacation in various spots in the back yard for the summer-early fall then over a couple of days they move inside. The grow lights get turned on and it's push and shove to get them all to fit on the cellar benches under the lights. Creature check did not turned up any unwanted occupants inhabiting the pots, like ants etc. About a third get to occupy the choice window spots upstairs. The Christmas cactus is now blooming. All the plants are adjusting to being inside.
A couple are no happy about being re-located.

Outside...nets over the two small pond. I call them ponds but at 3x5 meters they will not attract ducks flying by. The bullfrogs like them. The nets keep out the tree leaves. No fish. Not deep enough.

Enough typing....hit submit.....see what happens

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Frank wrote on Wed Nov 10, 2010 4:15 pm:

Jerry, I hope your plants appreciate what you are doing for them :)

Congrats on your new blog.


toni wrote on Wed Nov 10, 2010 4:19 pm:

Welcome to GardenStew and congrats on starting your Blog. I am looking forward to reading more entries.

Living in Texas I don't have the experience of having to bring plants in for the winter. I tried a couple of tropical plants last year but just don't have a good place to overwinter them.

When you feel comfy here, don't forget to post an intro of yourself in the Welcome to GardenStew forum.

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