Orphans of the Corporate World part 3 of 5

Category: The back yard | Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 4:18 am

People entered the room in the middle of the hallway with laptops, notebooks and a variety of snacks. The scheduled 10:00 morning meeting was about to begin. The opening page of the presentation on the large screen greeted the participants as they sat down. Several foliage plants around the room did their best to make the atmosphere cheerful. When the people finished they usually left the door open, something the large floor plant in the corner appreciated since it received more light from the well-lit hallway. For years the plants attended many the meetings, until one day, one meeting had a lot of concerned people. The next meeting was no different. Then increased activity in the hallway gradually gave way to long days of silence. Occasionally someone stopped by to remove one of the plants until only one remained. The silent days dragged on and the remaining plant grew weaker, its leaves wilted and started to turn brown. Then someone carrying a tall plant entered the room looked at the drying plant and took it back to his office. Months later the plant had recovered. When the person retired he took the conference room plant with him. It now resides on a window with other prospering plants. See picture.

Conference Room Survivor ( photo / image / picture from Jerry Sullivan's Garden )

Last edited: Wed Nov 24, 2010 4:25 am

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Frank wrote on Wed Nov 24, 2010 10:59 am:

I'm sure the plant was bored rigid by the meetings, and enjoys its new home much better.


daisybeans wrote on Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:03 am:

haha. Good point Frank. I'll bet it was the same for the plant rescuer too! Right Jerry?

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