Huff and puff and I'll blow your yard clean. Previews:-)

Category: The back yard | Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 10:04 pm

Well the weather people did it again. I guess it's the bane of the profession. The expected gale force winds of 30-40 mph roared in at 5 to 15 mph(8-24 km/h). The leaves tripped over themselves not really knowing which way to go. In the end the leaves are sitting where they were before the party started. Tomorrow will be raking day.

I have to take pictures for the next blog entry.

Previews of a coming blog: Abandoned and alone these parents hope for a better life for their offspring. But will they be found in time? Will they adjust to a new home? Next on this blog......come back soon.....for the results of this gripping saga :-)

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Frank wrote on Sun Nov 21, 2010 2:38 am:

Quite the cliffhanger.

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