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Miss Liberty
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"We're growing Libbys."
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Let the planting begin
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Where have I been? I've been in Busyland.
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Starting to lose my garden
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...And Liberty's Victory Garden is born

Category: Liberty's "Victory" Garden | Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 9:46 pm

Blogging...Since I've discovered gardening and because I'm an English teacher with a love of words, what better activity to do after gardening than to write about it.

I should probably give a little more background about myself. Don't worry, I'll try to keep it brief.

I'm 23 (soon to be 24 on July 4th, hence my name) and just graduated with a degree in English Education. And thankfully, I've been hired to teach in my husband's and my hometown. We are coming up on our six month anniversary in a couple of weeks. I used to throw rocks at my husband when we were kids because he used to tease me so much. Gratefully, he's forgive that incident :). And we've just moved into our first house about a month ago.

The past several years meant living in dorm rooms or apartments, but now I can have my garden. I've named it Liberty's Victory Garden as a play on my name and a bit of WWII history. Now whether or not Libby is victorious with the garden remains to be seen.

I know it's a little late in the year to start it, but I tried to pick quick growing crops that will be ready in the short growing season I have left. Last week, I did the first digging. I planted sweet corn, zucchini, yellow summer squash, a tomato plant, a green pepper plant, cucumbers, and pumpkins.

Working in the yard the past couple of days has made me realize that there is a lot of potential in the yard for a more expansive garden. Plus there is a grape vine of some type, a small patch or rhubarb, and some sage.

So far, six days into my garden and no new plants have poked through yet (excepts for weeds). I'll be patient.

Until the next entry...

Miss (now Mrs.) Liberty

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Netty wrote on Sun Jun 12, 2011 1:04 am:

Your garden sounds wonderful!

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