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Miss Liberty
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Rolling my eyes as this mistake

Category: Liberty's "Victory" Garden | Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:53 pm

Yesterday was a day of discovery for me (as I wrote in my previous blog). I forgot to mention one more. My husband thankfully pointed it out. (Thanks, hon).

A week ago I planted a bunch of different seeds. One of the things I planted was yellow squash. Or so I thought. When I pulled out the rest of my seeds this weekend, I found my packet of yellow squash seeds unopened. So then I thought that maybe I'd planted the zucchini instead. Only that packet was also unopened. So I guess I planted something, but I'm not sure what. I'm not even going to try to classify that "discovery" about myself. Here's where I roll my eyes.

Whatever I planted is coming up great, so I guess it will be a surprise. Gotta love gardening...!

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Pianolady wrote on Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:21 pm:

I hope you didn't plant three bean seeds in a hill, you won't get much return. lol


eileen wrote on Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:45 pm:

Been there and done that more often than I care to remember Liberty. It certainly makes life interesting seeing what comes up. Maybe you could post a picture of your new seedlings in a week or so as someone here may be able to ID them for you.

carolyn keiper wrote on Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:22 am:

Liberty, I have done the same thing myself. And I should have known that what I was planting was not the seed I was thinking it was. I planted a whole flat of "spineless beauty" thinking it was Okra seeds, (I KNOW what OKRA seeds LOOK like!!!!) UMMM.... It was spineless beauty zucchini squash. Oops. I did this just last year. And do you know, that the seeds looked just like squash seeds? What was I thinking? Obviously I wasn't. Just laugh. It's what i do and I seem to be doing okay, but thats only my opinion.


Miss Liberty wrote on Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:31 am:

I remember planting a squash type of seed. I'm pretty sure the leaves coming up are some squash type of leaf. I just can't account for what they are. All I can do is laugh about it and see what happens.

carolyn keiper wrote on Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:58 pm:

Well, have you ever planted okra? It doesn't look anything like a squash seed. I felt like slapping my head and saying DUH!!!

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