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May 1, 2012: I'm At Peace Now!!!

Category: Garden In Action (2012) | Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 6:40 pm

Well it's been an interesting month. I've had my colonoscopy (clean bill of health), 1st Wedding Anniversary and my son move back home: all this past month. I have to say that I have never watched over and prayed over plants as much as I did my little beauties. That was fingernail-biting and nervousness all rolled up into one. My goodness to get them outside for the first time was crazy for me. Since the last time I was on here, I was trying to find a spot to put my babies. Well, after much thought/prayer...i ended up placing them out at I really did like the space after he put the rocks down and then it was taking soooooo long to find someone and that in itself was nerve-wrecking. So they are doing wonderfully out back and seem to be happy. People have commented on the space and love it...i give my boss credit for the rocks and he gives me credit for the!!! I've done a lot and spent a lot of moola back there on plants but have enjoyed every minute back there. I will be posting pics so I can catch you up to date. My tomato and pepper plants are as tall as the ones from the nursery. I am so proud of them. The greenbeans have gone on about their business. The roses have budded and i expect that they will open by the end of the week. Getting the camera ready!!! Have a few more specific plants that I want...trying to draw the bees. It's so hot here already 90's (86 today at this moment)!!!

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eileen wrote on Tue May 01, 2012 9:31 pm:

So glad your colonoscopy results were so good and that you now have a clean bill of health.

I'll look forward to your photographs but I already know they are going to be just wonderful!!


Frank wrote on Wed May 02, 2012 2:08 am:

It's all good news HB!


tschnath wrote on Wed May 02, 2012 12:57 pm:

Glad to hear all is well with your health and your garden. Will be looking forward to the pics.

hummerbum wrote on Wed May 02, 2012 5:22 pm:

Thanks Eileen, Frank and Tschnath...I'm trying to find out how to link the garden pics to the

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