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Posted: 30 Oct 2013 Posted: 07 Aug 2007 Posted: 29 Jul 2007 Posted: 24 Jul 2007 Posted: 21 Jul 2007 All Entries |
My "pet" inspiration.I had a cat for many years who became my faithful companion. Unfortunately, he passed away after 18 years, and I was devastated. I vowed that I would never have another cat, as I did not want to go through the emptiness that his loss created. One day my friend came to call, she raises Himalayan cats, and after we got chatting she mentioned that she was trying to find a home for a one year old male. I was surprised, as she never has problems selling her kittens and I asked why this one was still with her. She then proceeded to tell me that he was blind, had been since birth, but she couldn't have him put down. Now, this was meant to get my sympathy, which of course it did! I heard myself say "Well I could come and see him?" only to find that he was in her car! Oh, how well she knew me! When I saw this little bundle of white fur, with the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen in a cat, I was hooked! When I picked him up and held him, he was mine. I have so much admiration for this little creature who lives in the dark. I watch him as he wanders around the floor, testing with his long whiskers as to how far he is from objects, putting out his paw to feel if he is safe to go further. Despite his handicap, he bravely goes about his day,letting nothing hinder him in his inate curiosity, as in all cats. He has given me a new outlook on life, if at first you don't succeed, try and try again. There have been many days when I have been feeling sorry for myself, life has been too stressful, or so I tell myself, and I just want to pull up the bedcovers and hide, and then I see my little white furry friend, trying so hard to have a life, and not give in to his blindness. He has been an inspiration to me, his determination, his courage and his perseverance, are beyond words. This blog entry has been viewed 684 times
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Your friend obviously knew without a shadow of a doubt that you were meant for each other Mrs G. Do you have any photographs of your little cat? We'd love to see them if you have. What is he called? We can certainly learn lessons from our furry friends who can overcome suchgreat obstacles and still live a full and happy life.
We can learn alot from our furry friends Mrs Greenthumb. Sounds like he was meant to be with you.
I dont have a photo of him yet, but I will have soon. he is adorable, quite tiny and very white with peach color through his tail and ears. He is like a little white fluff ball wandering around, and when the other cat goes by him, he lifts his paw and swats at him, although he can't see what he is swatting at!!!
Cats have a way of making us forget our troubles. A cat in the lap solves a lot of lifes problems.
I can't wait to see a pic of the little fellow. He sounds like a true inspiration. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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