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Posted: 30 Oct 2013 Posted: 07 Aug 2007 Posted: 29 Jul 2007 Posted: 24 Jul 2007 Posted: 21 Jul 2007 All Entries |
Leaving Old Friends.We have made the decision to move from Ontario, to another province in Canada. This has been a hard decison to make, but due to certain circumstances, we had no choice. The biggest dilemma I have is leaving my many plants behind. I have a very special feeling towards my plants, I have been growing them for 10 years,and we have been through many battles, against weather, disease, insects etc. and we have survived!! So now I have to leave them behind. Having them spread out over 2 acres, means that there are many of them, and also many unusual varieties that I have specially cultivated over the years. I have been secretly digging up the ones that I really like and putting them in holding area, to see if I can possibly fit them in to the moving van. As`the movers cost out the load by weight, my husband has been very strict with what we take with us. So somehow, I am going to get these plants into the moving van.!!! I also have a plant sale on, and that is a lot of work. I have been digging up clumps of plants and trying to remember what they are all called. I used to know them off by heart, but somewhere along the way, I seem to have lost my memory! My poor garden looks decimated, holes everywhere from plants that I have dug up, plants trodden down by the large feet of some males, helping their wives to dig out plants, no sensitivity to my "family". I also notice, that the small group of plants that I have stashed away, is getting bigger!! How can I leave my favorite Hydrangeas, Daylillys, Roses, Vines, and other Perennials. That is just too much!! We have only a small station wagon, which has to take 2 large Golden Retrievers and 3 cats and of course my husband . We`are travelling 3000 kms, to our new destination, so the trip will be fun????? I am thinking that I could sneak some plants in between the cat cages and the dogs, or another thought was that they could all fly there, and I could FILL my wagon with all my plants and drive myself. Common sense has prevailed however, and I will have to box up the plants, put them in wet newspaper, and send them by mail. Or should I wrap up my husband and animals in wet newspaper, and send THEM by mail? The thought is tempting!!!!! Mrs"G". This blog entry has been viewed 1491 times
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Can you mail some to your new address? bulbs etc.. i do hope you can..i know losing plants when my house burned and i ended up moving to a new place with hardly any plants,i also dug up some to take with me..good luck with your move!hugs
I really hope you can fit all the plants you want to take with you into the moving van and/or the station wagon. I don't know if I could leave any of my plants behind if I moved as so many of them were given to me by friends and family.
Can't be easy for you Mrs. G. Moving is stressful enough but leaving growing friends behind makes it tougher.
Good luck Mrs.G.It would be really hard for me to move now.That is a hard choice to decide what stays and what goes.Good Luck to you and hubby on the move.
Good luck with your move Mrs G. I hope you are able to fit all your plants in that van!
Hope your move goes smoothly. I think if it were me the choice between husband and plants might be very difficult. Just kidding but I sure would hate to leave my plants behind. Hope you can fit lots in with you.
Dear Mrs G, Having moved myself too many times to count I know how you are grieving. The ones you have to leave behind will bring joy to someone and you will be able to begin anew with new plants. Your talent and obvious love for living things goes with you. My heart hears you ER Login or register to leave a comment. |
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