Thank You.!!
Organic Tips for your Garden | Posted:
Wed Jul 11, 2007 10:52 am
Thank you all for your kind words and I am glad to be back behind my wheelbarrow!!.
My new garden is quite a challenge, it has once been a very large tilled garden, but is now just a pile of weeds!! I really like to use my " Garden Claw" as I don't have a regular tiller, and this tool helps me tremendously. The only problem is, when the ground gets too wet, I cannot lift my feet out of the mud as my shoes are almost stuck there. I am gradually adding new plants and shrubs so that next year, I should see a big improvement.
I found a nice new shrub ( to me ) called "Sweetberry Honeysuckle", and also a newer type of PeeGee Hydrangea with longer blooming time.
I have set up my arbors with climbing roses, and clematis so I am looking forward to seeing them grow.
It is just too bad that I have to wait through a long winter, until I can see how all the plants have survived. Oh well!, maybe I will just hibernate in my bed with a good lot of books and watch the snow
fall outside my window.!!!
Cheers' Mrs G
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