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Posted: 30 Oct 2013 Posted: 07 Aug 2007 Posted: 29 Jul 2007 Posted: 24 Jul 2007 Posted: 21 Jul 2007 All Entries |
All about Bulbs.To protect bulbs from moles, rodents etc, cut the top half from a clean empty Bleach jug,punch drainage holes in the sides and base of the bottom of the jug, sink the jug into your flower bed, fill with soil,and plant bulbs inside it. Protect bulbs from voles, they are sure to tunnel under the earth, plant your bulb inside a clean empty yogurt cup, punched with holes. To store plant bulbs, I fill the foot of a pair of panty hose and hang it high enough to keep the contents dry, and the fibers of the hose also help to repel rodents and insects. It is difficult sometimes to know what depth you are at, when planting bulbs, my friend uses liquid paper to mark off inches along the edge of her trowel, this makes a convenient ruler to measure the depth. Protect gladiolas and freesia bulbs from pests by soaking them for 12 hours in a mix of 2.5 tablespoons of Listerine in a gallon of water. Take the bulbs out of the Listerine dip and WITHOUT rinsing them off, plant them. Deter rodents from digging up bulbs by sprinkling ground red pepper around bulb plantings. Many people don't know that the tip of a bulb is the top, from which the central bud sprouts.Roots grow from the bottom. I did read that no matter what way you place a bulb in a hole, it will turn itself the right way up.!!! Just a little titbit of knowledge:: In the 17th century owning rare bulbs became a status symbol,especially tulips. The bulbs were sold by weight, usually still in the ground.Traders could earn themselves approximately $40,000 dollars a month!. In 1635, I think, three Rembrandt tulip bulbs sold for $25,000 dollars and in that same year, the tulip market crashed.. NEVER eat hyacinth bulbs, if eaten, they can cause death, so watch out for your children. Till next time Mrs Greenthumb. This blog entry has been viewed 1259 times
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So many great bulb saving tips Mrs. G. The whole 'tulipmania'/bulb trading period of history is quite interesting indeed.
I hadn't ever thought of using bleach bottles that way,
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