Your pond in spring.
Pond project | Posted:
Wed Jan 04, 2006 6:49 pm
Mid-March: First small reddish leaves of hardy waterlilies appear. Bog plants start growing.
Mid-April: Hardy waterlilies first start to bloom. Golden Club, Louisiana Irises, and other early bog plants start to bloom.
Late April-Early May: First leaves of tropical lilies appear. (If they weren't killed by winter cold!!!)
Mid-May: Flowering bog plants will start their summer bloom.
Late May: First blooms from tropical water lilies. First arrow shaped leaves from night blooming water lilies come out.
Mid to late June: First blooms from night blooming tropical lilies.
Start fertilizing your aquatic plants when growth appears. Shallow water plants usually need to be fertilized just once a year with a tablet such as Highland Rim plant tablets. Lilies should be fertilized once a month at first and then every two weeks while blooming in the summer.
It is a good idea to re-pot your aquatic plants in the spring if they are overgrowing their pots. Each plant can usually be divided into many plants. You can tell if a lily has over-grown its pot just by looking at it. The roots will push against the sides and warp the pot. Then they will grow right out of the pot. It is best to divide it and give it some room to grow. If you leave it in its crowded state it will not produce large leaves and will flower less than expected.
Hopefully my pond will come to life again in March and I won't have lost too many plants. However, we have had some really severe frosts here in Scotland so it's going to be a case of keeping my fingers (and everything else) crossed.
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