Bonfire Toffee.
Favourite sweet and toffee recipes. | Posted:
Sat Jan 21, 2006 11:48 pm
8 oza Demerara sugar
8 ozs black treacle
4 ozs butter.
Melt butter in a heavy pan and add treacle and sugar. Heat gently until the sugar is dissolved, then simmer gently for 30 minutes. Test by dropping a little of the mixture into cold water. It should seperate into hard, but not brittle, threads. (280 degrees F/140 degrees C.) Pour into a buttered, shallow tin and mark into squares when almost set. Break into pieces when cold and wrap in grease proof paper. Store in an airtight tin.
I've decided to include these recipes in my blog for anyone who also finds the long, dark nights of winter boring or wants to make a traditional home-made treat for friends or family.
I use them to make Christmas or special gifts with that personal touch. Great for popping into Christmas stockings!!
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