Removing Fairy Moss from your pond.
Gardening tips. | Posted:
Wed Jan 25, 2006 2:50 pm
If you are wondering just how to get that, really annoying, Fairy Moss from your pond then are a couple of things that I do to help get rid of it.
During the winter months when your pond is frozen you can take a garden hoe from your shed and use it to scrape the moss from the surface of your pond. This is easily done as FM floats on the surface of the water and therefore freezes on the water surface too. Gather it together in a pile and then simply sweep in on to a shovel and dispose of it.
Summer is an entirely different matter though so I've devised a tool that helps remove this troublesome plant.
Get a hold of an old kitchen sieve and bind it onto the end of a long pole, or piece of wood, with waterproof tape. You can then scoop the FM from the surface of your pond and the water drains away, leaving only the plantlets which, again, can be disposed of easily.
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