Horse hair's a pain.
Gardening tips. | Posted:
Wed Feb 01, 2006 3:07 pm
Natural slug and snail deterrents are always the best and, yes, horsehair works a treat!!! Stables get rid of huge quantities every week so why not go and scrounge some from them?
Place it in a 4" diameter ring around slug/snail susceptible plants and weigh down with stones. Ensure that the stones don't form a 'brigde' though for those slimey pests.
Slugs and snails can't travel over horsehair because the hair is an irritant and the grease in it reacts with their slime and burns their bellies. Aaawww what a shame. (snigger)
Have you ever seen a horse covered in snails or slugs? No!!! Well there you are then. LOL
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