A great way to use roofing felt.
Gardening tips. | Posted:
Wed Feb 01, 2006 3:23 pm
Here's another way to deal with those pesky slugs and snails.
If you are anything like me then you'll have ends of roofing felt rolls in your garden shed. Just the ordinary stuff you re-roofed that same shed with a few months ago remember?
Cut a hole in the middle of a 6" square of the felt, just wide enough to fit round the plant stem. Now cut a sideways slit halfway across. This is so that you can slip the square, like a collar, around the plant.
There are two reasons why this works to deter snails and slugs.
1.) The surface is very rough and hurts their underbellies. Altogether now ..... aaawww poor wittle slugsies and snailses. LOL
2.) They appear to hate the smell of the bitumen glue in the felt, especially on a warm summer's evening and they haven't cottoned on to clothes pegs on their noses yet!!!!!
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