Ferret droppings.
Gardening tips. | Posted:
Wed Feb 01, 2006 3:59 pm
Now, as you know, there are very few garden pests that cause quite as much destruction and devastation to a well-kept lawn or border than the mole.
**Please, don't even consider killing him, as that is barbaric. After all he is just going about doing his normal daily business and doesn't realise the harm he's causing.
Did you know that the natural preditor of the mole is in fact the badger - bet you didn't! !!!
Now as it is notoriously difficult to lay your hands on badger poo I've come up with an easier solution. Now a ferret, is luckily, a close relative of the badger (boy am I full of amazing facts today LOL) and poor, old Mr. Mole can't tell the difference between one poo and the other. Members of your local ferret association are only too happy to part with the stuff!! Once you've got your smelly bagful mix it in an old container with a little water to make a paste.
**It's advisable to wear a face mask unless you have a strong stomoch while doing this.
Dig out the molehills and paint the ferret-poo paste around the rim of the entrance holes. Alternatively you could just pop a mound of it down into the hole itself. The wind will take the ferret smell down into the network of tunnels. Mr Mole ambles along, stops, sniffs, gets a whiff, thinks OMG BADGER...... and scarpers!!!!!! Hopefully never to darken your garden gate again.
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