Gardening tips. | Posted:
Mon Feb 13, 2006 1:01 am
If you happen to live in the countryside with dairy herds or beef stock cattle in the surrounding fields then here's what you do:
Secrete about your person a carrier bag - Farmfoods have nice strong ones. LOL Take a walk one week-end when the weather has been warm and dry for a while and walk to the fields where all those cows are grazing. Ensure that there isn't a bull in the field before nipping over the fence though.
Be on the lookout for some completely dry cowpats, about the size of dinner plates, as they are the ideal size for 14" hanging baskets or flower tubs. Pop the pats into you carrier bag and return home with them. Crumble the pats into your compost and mix in before adding your plants. Wear gloves, of course, while doing this but amazingly there's no smell!!
You'll be the envy of your friends and neighbours as your annuals will look better, and last longer, than theirs.
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