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Posted: 06 May 2012
My little backyard space
Posted: 28 Apr 2012

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My little backyard space

Category: Spring Planting | Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:49 am

I'm currently a homeowner in Detroit and I'm loving it. This is my third year here and last year my garden was great. I know this may be hard for many to believe due to the citys' reputation, but I live in an awesome neighborhood with wonderful neighbors. I'm the youngest in the neighborhood so I wanted to make sure my lawn was acceptable and we wasn't deemed the ones with the bad lawn. So last year I fertilized, I planted, I bought flowers, I dug, I weeded, I did everything the internet and the back of all the products told me to do. With all that being said, I had the best house on the block last year....More than that I learned my neighbors patterns. So, I have much more competition this year that I welcome gladly. They are doing everything I did last year. So this year I had to do a little something more.

Last year I did my entire porch in annuals and seeds in a variety of colorful containers. I didn't plant anything in the front in the ground. This year I did the same thing, however I planted fall pansies last fall that I left in the hanging basket over the winter. I have the biggest best pansies I've seen. I watered them twice in the winter.

The seeds that I planted was zinnias and they toppled over and was continually damaged. They remained blooming and showing all summer. I had butter petunias that bloomed so beautifully I wished I could give them prizes. But my showstopper was two dahlias I got from lowes. I purchased them when they were on their last leg and on clearance. Well by August they turned into a red flower bush. They were in a looong yellow planter and eventually overgrew it. Everyone loved it and asked about it.

My neighbors think were weird because I do all the outdoor work including cutting and trimming, shoveling and salting. My husband loves the way I do it, and I hate the way he does it. My husband is more than willing but he's lazy with it.

Last year I did a small perennial area in the back in the ground. I added to that this year and only did perennials. I added a border of marigolds for color and mosquitos.

Pictures to come.

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eileen wrote on Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:05 am:

It sounds as if you have a show stopping garden there and I look forward to seeing your photographs of it.


Netty wrote on Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:17 pm:

Me too!


Frank wrote on Sun Apr 29, 2012 4:56 am:

Me three.


tschnath wrote on Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:40 pm:

yes, yes, photos please. it all sounds rather lovely. nice work!

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