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Goodbye Garden 2013 You were good to us
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Goodbye Garden 2013 You were good to us

Category: What's In My Garden | Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 6:11 pm

This has been a very interesting gardening year with a few new firsts. We did a total turn around and decided to go with non GMO seeds. Since they are more expensive here and not a lot of variety I ordered them from a seed company in the United States.
The year started off with rain and more rain! I was in to June before I could start planting. Since the ground was warm the seeds starting sprouting quickly.
I was worried about the green beans. As they were pushing their way through the earth the rocks were cutting the delicate sprouts. However, I ended up with more than I knew what to do with and was giving them away to friends. Blight struck after a spell of hot muggy weather. I lost the corn (except for five ears that we enjoyed). Then the blight slowly moved into the cucumbers and squash. Ah tomatoes were spared! I did get plenty of cucumbers to make green sweet relish and some for the table as well. So the cukes were not a total loss. The buttercup squash only produced three because of the blight. The butternut squash struggled on and produced 30 small and medium squash. Butternut squash were a first for me this year. I always wanted to try them and they proved out delicious! Well, now the turnips were a complete surprise. They grew nicely and looked good. When I cut one open I was perplexed of the color. They are white in the flesh. I have never seen any like this before and I would say I was not completely satisfied over the taste. Our turnips inside are nice yellow so the white ones to me were just not pleasing on the plate. I will be planting our turnip seeds from now on. All the other vegetables were a success considering the late planting.
I also had the joy of a greenhouse this year. Not large it is a 6 by 8 but perfect for me. I started tomatoes, watermelon, peppers, squash and some flower seeds. I didn't realize that plants grew so quickly in a green house and they really need to go into the garden long before they did. I had all the tomatoes I needed and ended up giving about 156 pounds away. In the potato department I have about 500 pounds.. We grow Green Mountain as we like a nice dry potato. Some of these will be seed for next year. So now everything is either frozen or canned waiting to be enjoyed this winter.
I had extra beans so I dried them for next year's planting. We certainly enjoyed our non GMO garden and hope to continue with this kind of gardening.

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Henry Johnson wrote on Sun Oct 27, 2013 5:34 pm:

Hi, Chrisle, sounds like a fairly successful garden year for you, with a few problems.. Congratulations on the successes and the problems were educational hopefully..


Netty wrote on Wed Oct 30, 2013 12:19 am:

Sounds like a success!

Cayuga Morning wrote on Sun Apr 06, 2014 1:29 pm:

Sounds like a good growing year! I am envious of your greenhouse.

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