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Been a while!!
Posted: 13 Jun 2014 Posted: 24 Apr 2008 Posted: 16 Apr 2008 Posted: 04 Apr 2008 Posted: 19 Mar 2008 All Entries |
Lots of pics.Its been a while!! Hello!Wow, I sure missed this place! ive been busy! So busy, but not as much rewards for all my hard work as i wanted! Well, for starters, in Oklahoma its rained so much that my garden has hardly grown. The tomatos are still puney and only 2 have grown so far and now that the sun has come out and summer heat has started up i think things will be a bit better. I have tiny squash plants which had big flowers on it until the bunnies ate most of them. Now that ive got all the fence up i think there is hope yet again. Cuc's have only grown to a mear 2-3 inches tall and all veggie plants are still yellow. Green beans?? well, maybe 2 inch tall and blend ever so good into all the billions of weeds. I tell you I dont know why i made such an effort!! The rain has done great for my flowers though! thats about the only good news.. well, and that the front flower bed (turned veggie bed) has grown great! I have a few tomato plants and jalepeno plants that are growing decent. the Zinias there are making for an interesting contrast! lol My back flowerbeds are growing great! IM so proud! Ive included several pics and would like to know if anyone can help identify some of these plants. Thank you for the seeds i was sent! I did grow them! yay!! Now to figure how which plant is which! lol Having lost all but 4 chickens to some coyotes (we think) and a emaciated stray dog.. things are going okay. Horses are doing okay and cows are growing good. Our doggies no longer dig cause the hot wire is working great. Except, my zinnias and cosmos keep getting zapped and i have to keep trimming them back Lol. Better to trim them, than to have to trash them though! Hope all is wel for everyone else though! Thanks for reading, enjoy some pics! purslane? Thats what the insert says, but its got a fluffy ball type center unlike regular purslane. Any ideas what it is? maybe globe anthumr;';?? This zinnia grew a xtra zinnia on top of itself. danish cross?? trumpet vine?? unknown plant? help please? it came with Jasmine plant which is behind it. sorry this is a small pic. but its the 'after' pic of my bed! (: This blog entry has been viewed 805 times
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Sorry to hear about your chickens StarLite. Welcome back.
I think your 'double' zinnia is really exotic looking and very pretty. I hope someone can ID your plants for you Starlite - I'm not familiar with them myself I'm afraid.
Nice to hear from you again Starlite. Things are getting quite colorful there by the looks of it.
Your first pic is portulaca, Cinderella, a new variety from the Fairy Tales series, a non stop bloomer.
wow thanks!!! I had no clue i even had any cypress seeds and I am not sure about where i got the vinca lol. Im so happy my danish cross ones are coming up though thanks!! (:
Danish cross is on its way.
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